upload/LCG problem?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Tue, 07/09/2024 - 20:55

An observation I have uploaded for V566 Cas (JD 2460499) does not show up in LCG.  I believe that a second observation from 2460500 did upload but LCG doesn't show it

When I do a webobs search for my V566 data the following occurs:

Forbidden (403)

CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.

More information is available with DEBUG=True.


Tom (CTOA)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
More details

On July 8 I uploaded the first V566 Cas observation.  When I went to see it in LCG, Iwas told there were no data available.  I uploaded a second observation on July 9.  LCG then told me there was only one data point.  In both cases I was displaying (or attempting to display) only V band data.  If I changed to "all" bands, LCG showed an I band data point, but no V data from me.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
More developments

I was accidentally uploading V567 Cas instead of V566.  And I can see my "V567" data in LCG.

However, if I go to webobs search so I can delete the data, I still get the permission error noted above.  This is when I specify no JD range to the query.  If I specify a recent JD start (and no end) the search fails, telling my that star V567 Cas is unknown.