SN 2007sr

Special Notice #84: Optical transient (possible supernova) in The Antennae Galaxies [SN 2007sr]

December 19, 2007: A.J. Drake et al have reported in A.Tel #1337 on the detection of a bright optical transient in one of the spiral arms of the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/VV 245). The object [SN 2007sr] was at magnitude 12.9 on 2007 December 18. The transient is located at the following coordinates (J2000):

RA: 12:01:52.80 , Dec: -18:58:21.72

They note the object is on the edge of one of the spiral arms, and the brightness is consistent with a supernova at the known distance of the Antennae.