SN 2007le

Special Notice #74: Sequence available for SN 2007le

October 17, 2007: Further to AAVSO Special Notice #73, "SN 2007le in NGC 7721", a comparison star sequence has now been added to the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP). The sequence by A. Henden was obtained at SRO based upon a single night of data; the calibration is estimated to have a zero-point accuracy of approximately 0.03 magnitudes.

Special Notice #73: SN 2007le in NGC 7721

October 15, 2007: SN 2007le was discovered in the galaxy NGC 7721 on October 13, 2007 by L.A.G. (Berto) Monard of Pretoria, South Africa (CBET 1100, Monard). The supernova has since been classified as a type-Ia, approximately 7-10 days prior to maximum (CBET 1101, Silverman et al.).

The coordinates of the supernova are:

RA: 23:38:48.41 , Dec -6:31:21.3 (J2000)