RT Cru

Special Notice #411: RT Cru observations need to be continued

December 15, 2015: Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 503 and AAVSO Special Notice #409, Dr. Margarita Karovska (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) urgently requests that multicolor and visual AAVSO observations of the symbiotic variable RT Cru continue.

Alert Notice 503: Request for regular monitoring of the symbiotic variable RT Cru

Notes:  Please continue to monitor RT Cru as it continues to decline slowly from its outburst that began in 2021 and after it returns to minimum.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, April 4, 2023; July 2, 2024

This campaign has been extended indefinitely. Dr. Karovska requests monitoring of RT Cru until further notice.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, 17 April 2020

Alert Notice 451: Monitoring of the Symbiotic Variable RT Cru Requested

January 27, 2012: The symbiotic variable RT Cru has brightened in hard x-rays. Dr. Jeno Sokoloski, Columbia University, has requested AAVSO assistance in monitoring RT Cru both now and in the future to see if it is doing anything unusual in the optical. The Swift/BAT hard X-ray light curve shows RT Cru has apparently been gradually brightening over the past few years.