R Aqr observations needed urgently

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 04/19/2019 - 18:50

AAVSO Alert Notice 665 announces an urgent request for observations of the symbiotic Mira R Aqr. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Small correction to Alert Notice 665

In Alert Notice 665, I said that R Aqr "is moving too close to the Sun to observe from the Northern hemisphere". I should not have said "moving too close", as the Northern season for R Aqr is just starting, not ending. The point is that R Aqr is too close to the Sun for Northern observers right now to observe without great difficulty, but easier for Southern observers as their nights are growing longer. I have edited the online version of the Alert Notice. My apologies for the error, and my thanks to Brian Skiff for letting me know.

Good observing,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
HST and Chandra obs scheduled for R Aqr - Alert Notice 689

AAVSO Alert Notice 689 announces observations of R Aqr scheduled with HST and Chandra at the request of Dr. Margarita Karovska. Photometry and spectroscopy are urgently requested. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Chandra and HST observation schedules for R Aqr

The exact schedules for the Chandra and HST observations of R Aqr (Alert Notice 689) are as follow:

Chandra (UT)  Note that this date is EARLIER than given in Alert Notice 689.
12 Jan 2020 00:13:21.409 - 12 Jan 2020 14:06:41

HST (times are UT)
13 Jan 2020 03:54:33 - 13 Jan 2020 04:48:21
13 Jan 2020 08:40:40 - 13 Jan 2020 09:34:54
14 Jan 2020 02:09:47 - 14 Jan 2020 03:58:31

Please see the Alert Notice for the cadence of observations before, during, and after the satellite observations.

Many thanks, and Good observing,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
R Aqr observations - submit to AID ASAP

Dear Observers,

If you have observations of R Aqr from the past week that you have not yet submitted, please do so as soon as possible. An astronomer needs to see the most recent data for a time-dependent observing proposial he is writing now.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
R Aqr B data needed in addition to V and R

Hi Observers,

B observations are needed along with V and R - the B is very important as it relates to the activity of the white dwarf in the system. Thanks to those observers who have been able to observe in B - please continue if you possibly can!

Many thanks,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
R Aqr B data urgently needed - Alert Notice 696

AAVSO Alert Notice 696 announces an urgent, renewed (with modifications for B observations) request for observations of R Aqr, particularly for B photometry. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
R Aqr

Hi Elizabeth,

I have been following R Aqr over many weeks, but now the season has ended for my remote location in Chile. Last observations are done Jan. 28 when the stars was at airmass about 2.15.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thank you for the coverage!

Hi Josch,

Thank you for letting us know R Aqr is no longer observable from your Chile location. Thank you also for all of the excellent data you have been able to provide this season! When R Aqr is observable again for you, could you please resume observing it? I'm sure the eclipse will still be going on and the data will be extremely valuable.

Best regards, Elizabeth

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
R Aqr observations needed for Chandra and HST - Alert Notice 738

AAVSO Alert Notice 738 announces observations of R Aqr to be made by Chandra and HST and requests photometry, visual observations, and spectroscopy. Coverage is needed as soon as R Aqr is observable in the dawn twilight. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following forums:

- Campaigns and Observation Reports: https://www.aavso.org/r-aqr-campaign-2019
- Long Period Variables: https://www.aavso.org/r-aqr-campaign-2019-01
- Spectroscopy: https://www.aavso.org/r-aqr-campaign-2019-02

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated by the astronomer and by HQ. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
R Aqr B, V, visual coverage needed urgently - reminder

Hi Everyone,

Dr. Karovska's Chandra observations of R Aqr (AAVSO Alert Notice 738) are coming up next week and it is extremely important to have B and V photometry prior to then. I know R Aqr is a difficult morning target just now, but please try to obtain some observations as soon as possible and keep observing it. Many thanks to Richard Tyson for the V observations he has made. Visual observations are also very helpful and are strongly encouraged.

Many thanks, and Good observing,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Chandra observing R Aqr Apr 29 and 30

Re Alert Notice 738, Dr. Karovska informs us that Chandra will be observing R Aqr on 2021 Apr 29 and 30. B and V observations are crucial through these dates, as well as until after the HST observations are made in May (currently scheduled for the week of May 16-22).  She also sends thanks to the observers for their invaluable coverage to date, especially appreciated as R Aqr is so difficult to observe at present.

Please keep up the excellent work, and keep those B, V, and visual observations coming!

Many thanks, and good observing,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
R Aqr HST schedule for May 2021

Dr. Margarita Karovska informs us that the HST observations of R Aqr (Alert Notice 738) have been scheduled for

2021 May 13 10:57:01 - 18:08:28 UT.

As with all HST observations, it will be crucial to know the V magnitude 24 hours before the scheduled time in order for the HST team to make a go/nogo decision.

Nightly observations are essential May 10/11 through May 14/15, then twice weekly through May 27/28. Please report your multicolor (particularly V and B) and visual observations as soon as possible after making them so Dr. Karovska will have access to them for her report to the HST team.

Many thanks, and Good observing,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thank you from Dr. Karovska for your observations

Dr. Margarita Karovska, the astronomer requesting observations of R Aqr (AAVSO Alert Notice 738), sends the following message of appreciation for your observations to date:

"The AAVSO observations (especially the photometry) were very important for determining the  phase of the pulsation of R Aqr and where we are in terms of brightness of the source - absolutely necessary for evaluating and revising the exposure times (avoiding saturation) of the HST images.

"THANK YOU AAVSO observers for your dedicated observations and the great support leading to successful multiwavelength observations (space- and ground-based) of this wonderful variable, interacting and jet-producing symbiotic system."

Please continue to observe R Aqr - your multicolor photometry, visual observations, and spectroscopy are essential to the ongoing study of this system.

Many thanks, and good observing,


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
R Aqr HST obs May 2023 - Alert Notice 820

AAVSO Alert Notice 820 announces HST observations scheduled for the symbiotic variable R Aqr. Please see the notice for details and photometry and spectroscopy observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following forums:

- Campaigns and Observation Reports: https://www.aavso.org/r-aqr-campaign-2019
- Long Period Variables: https://www.aavso.org/r-aqr-campaign-2019-01
- Spectroscopy: https://www.aavso.org/r-aqr-campaign-2019-02

The links may look old but they are current - go to the bottom of the threads for Alert Notice 820 and the most recent posts. This campaign has been running for a long time! Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated by the astronomer and by HQ. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ