V1535 Sco

Alert Notice 508: Nova Scorpii 2015 == PNV J17032620-3504140 [V1535 Sco]

February 17, 2015

Event: Nova Scorpii 2015 = PNV J17032620-3504140  [V1535 Sco]

Discovered by: Tadashi Kojima, Gunma-ken, Japan

Discovery magnitude: unfiltered DSLR magnitude 8.1, using a 150-mm f/2.8 lens and digital camera

Discovery date: 2015 February 11.837 UT

Coordinates: RA: 17 03 26.18 , Decl: -35 04 17.6

Special Notice #397: Bright Transient in Sco (PNV J17032620-3504140) [V1535 Sco]

February 11, 2015: Patrick Schmeer (SPK, Bischmisheim, Germany) reports the announcement on the CBAT Transient Object Confirmation Page (TOCP) of the discovery of a bright transient in Sco [V1535 Sco] on 2015 February 11.8367 UT at unfiltered CCD magnitude 8.2 by Tadashi Kojima (Gunma-ken, Japan) using a 150-mm f/2.8 lens + a digital camera. Kojima reports nothing is visible on a frame from the same camera on Feb. 10.827 UT.