JAAVSO v15n2

Volume 15 Number 2 1986
77 A History of Variable Star Astronomy to 1900 and Slightly Beyond
Dorritt Hoffleit
  abstract pdf  
107 Preludes to the Founding of the AAVSO
Dorritt Hoffleit
  abstract pdf  
112 The Founding of the AAVSO and Its First Seventy-Five Years
Janet A. Mattei
  abstract pdf  
126 Highlights of Variable Star Astronomy 1900 - 1986
John R. Percy
  abstract pdf  
133 Some Unsung Heroes of the AAVSO
Clinton B. Ford
  abstract pdf  
135 Three AAVSO Leaders: De Kock, Fernald, and Peltier
Thomas R. Williams
  abstract pdf  
139 Personal Reminiscences
Florence Campbell Bibber
  abstract pdf  
141 Variable Star Observing Around the World
Various Authors
  abstract pdf  
162 Variable Star Symposium
  abstract pdf  
163 Cataclysmic Variables
Brian Warner
  abstract pdf  
169 Search for Apsidal Motion in the Eclipsing Variable V356 Sgr
Sei-Ichi Sakuma
  abstract pdf  
171 30 Yards of History: SS Cygni 1896 - 1984
Alan L. Kiplinger, Janet A. Mattei, Keith H. Danskin, James E. Morgan, Timothy Zack
  abstract pdf  
171 Observations o fthe Dwarf Nova HL Canis Majoris
Christopher W. Mauche
  abstract pdf  
173 Recent Activity in Two Symbiotic Stars
Scott J. Kenyon
  abstract pdf  
181 Supernovae - an Impressionistic View
Virginia Trimble
  abstract pdf  
189 Determining Precise Positions of Supernovae
William S. Penhallow
  abstract pdf  
192 Computer Simulations of Stellar Pulsation
Charles A. Whitney
  abstract pdf  
201 RR Lyrae Stars
Martha L. Hazen
  abstract pdf  
206 The R Coronae Borealis Stars
J. D. Fernie
  abstract pdf  
212 Recent Work on RV Tauri Stars
Robert F. Wing
  abstract pdf  
223 Revised Period for CT Orionis
Daniel H. Horowitz
  abstract pdf  
228 Mira Variables
L. A. Willson
  abstract pdf  
236 AAVSO Observations of Long Period Variable Stars 1900-1975: Maximum and Minimum Magnitudes and O-C Diagrams
Petrusia A Kowalsky, John R. Percy, Janet A. Mattei, Elizabeth O. Waagen
  abstract pdf  
239 Deriving Visual Magnitudes from the "True Visual Magnitude" Charts
Jan Hers
  abstract pdf  
243 O-C By Computer
Emilia Pisani Belserene
  abstract pdf  
246 The Changing Period of V1303-SAGITTARII
Amy S. Barton
  abstract pdf  
249 A Fourier Series Method for Plotting O-C Graphs
John H. Holliman
  abstract pdf  
251 Updated Elements for V Comae Berenices
John H. Holliman
  abstract pdf  
253 Recent Data on IY Cygni
Margaret G. Lysaght
  abstract pdf  
257 NSV 11003 and Its Variable Comparison Star
Anne Manasil
  abstract pdf  
259 Period Revision and Refinement for V960 Aquilae
David Wilmer
  abstract pdf  
263 Starspots - an Unconventional Source of Variability
David S. Evans
  abstract pdf  
266 New Minima Timings for V1010 Ophiuchi
David B. Williams, Russel E. Milton, L. Pazzi, Rick Wasson
  abstract pdf  
269 The Theory of Optimizing Your Telescope to Detect the Faintest Stars
Ronald E. Zissell
  abstract pdf  
275 Peculiarities in TX Sagittarii
Thomas A Cragg
  abstract pdf  
278 ST Ursae Majoris: An Interesting Binocular Variable Star
Christopher P. Stephan
  abstract pdf  
279 Ei-Cephei - Recent Unusual Photometric Behavior
Wayne M. Lowder
  abstract pdf  
281 Can Variable Stars be Introduced to Children?
David H. Levy
  abstract pdf  
282 Shapley, Martha - First Lady of Harvard College Observatory 1921-1952
Barbara L. Welther
  abstract pdf  
283 On the History of the Stellar Magnitude Scale
Annemarie Mayer
  abstract pdf  
286 Swithin St. Cleeve: Variable Star Observer
Kenneth Weitzenhoffer
  abstract pdf  
289 Highlights of the Dedication of the new AAVSO Headquarters and the AAVSO 75th Anniversary Meeting August 6 - 10, 1986
Charles A. Fausel
  abstract pdf  
293 Remarks at the Dedication of the New AAVSO Headquarters
Riccardo Giacconi
  abstract pdf  
297 Photographs from the Dedication of the new AAVSO Headquarters, the Clinton B. Ford Astronomical Data and Research Center, 25 Birch Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  abstract pdf  
301 Poem and Song Festival
  abstract pdf  
311 After-Banquet Remarks
Willem J. Luyten
  abstract pdf  
314 Special Award Presentations
  abstract pdf  
316 Images and Variations - A Musical Slide Show on the first 75 Years of the AAVSO
Gerald P. Dyck
  abstract pdf  
318 AAVSO 75th Anniversary Letters
Various Authors
  abstract pdf  
321 Minutes of the 75th Annual Meeting of the AAVSO Pound Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA August 6 - 10, 1986
Clinton B. Ford
  abstract pdf  
342 Committee Reports
Classical Cepheid,Thomas A Cragg, New Chart,Clinton B. Ford, Eclipsing Binary,Marvin E. Baldwin, Nova Search,Rev. Kenneth C. Beckmann, Photoelectric Photometry,Howard J. Landis, RR Lyrae,Marvin E. Baldwin, Solar Division,Peter O. Taylor, Telescope,Charles E. Scovil
  abstract pdf  
347 Treasurer's Report: October 1, 1985 to September 30, 1986
Theodore H. N. Wales
  abstract pdf  
349 Index to Volume 15
  abstract pdf  