Demo Images

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 07/13/2012 - 07:28

I am a new user and would like to practice with the demo images mentioned in the videos. I see from a post on 2/1/2011 that someone may be able to post them to my account. Or?

Many thanks,


Norwegian Astronomical Society, Variable Star Section (NAS)
Demo Images

Not sure, so I shared them again (with KJMB which is your observer code, I believe).

So you should see them first thing when you log on from the AAVSO web site. If not, try to click 'More' next to the 'Refresh' button, then select BL Cam in the target drop-down list. If it is not there then the images are NOT in your account.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

I always have…


I always have images available, but not the ones Ken uses as demos. I'd be happy to copy some over to you if you wish. PM me.




American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Demo Images

Just started working through the VPhot tutorial and in looking for demo images found this thread. Hope the images are still available. My obs code: KWIA.


Thanks - Bill

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Alternative Demo Images

Hi Bill:

The demo images were lost as a result of a hack, quite a while ago.

However, I shared some images of DE Lyn (an eclipsing binary) with your account. You should find them on your image list. Log into VPhot to find them. They should work similarly to the BL Cam images used in the Tutorials.

NOTE that VPhot (formerly Photometrica) and the AAVSO Website have had several modifications over the years and some details have changed.

HTH, Ken (MZK)