Submit a new star known in Gaia Variable

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 04/10/2024 - 10:20

Hi All. 

In case a star is present in Gaia Variable in VizieR, but the period is not correct, is it worth submitting a "new star" in VSX?
Furthermore, if a star is not present in Gaia DR3 Part 4. Variability (Gaia Collaboration, 2022) but is present in Stellar variability in Gaia DR3 (Maiz Apellaniz+, 2023) (where there is no data on type and period) how should we behave?



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Gaia DR3 variables and VSX

Hi Franco,

It is all explained in this post, published right after Gaia DR3 was released:

It is worth submitting, of course.
During this year, we are going to import nearly 9 million variables from the Gaia DR3 variability tables. We are working hard to do that efficiently since the data are split in several different tables with different formats. Having them all in VSX will make things easier to people submitting new objects so they will be aware from the very beginning if they are already known or not.
In the meantime, checking VizieR is mandatory.

Individual analysis of variable stars is always going to be better than the data published in these survey catalogs because you will be able to combine data from different surveys imporving periods, adding epochs, giving standard ranges, and also adding standard classifications or even correcting variability types.

You can ignore the 2023 paper. Papers with millions of objects and no relevant data are not going to be included in VSX.
