British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Fri, 08/11/2023 - 20:33

I have read in the guide about various software packages in the CCD/CMOS Guide. AstroImageJ and AIP4Win

Also oldish forum posts stating they are free.

Are there secure sites/links to download them?


Variable Stars South (VSS)
AstroimageJ and AIP4Win


Go to

This web page has links to the download facility, and links to documentation.


Go to

As a first-time user, you will need to sign up. Thereafter you can access the site by login with an email address and password.

AIP4Win is the group you want.

For download, use the navigation pane on the left, and go to Files.

AIP4Win v2.4.10 Installation File is what you need. There is a paragraph of instructions. They _must_ be followed to the letter. Some folks have problems. I downloaded and have successfully used AIP4Win on Windows 10. AIP4Win has some issues. It's a personal decision as to whether or not they are important to you. If the issues are not important to you, the software has some good features, particularly, in my opinion, if you are using a one-shot colour camera (DSLR, or a colour CMOS astro camera).


British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)

The recommended version mentioned in the Windows Installation notes:

does not appear in the directory for download.

I have Windows 10, no Java. Does it matter which version?