I'm in the team of a new robotic telescope for educational purposes in Israel and LCO user.
The telescope has a Bayer Array CCD camera .
We know how to split one image at the time, e.g. using Aip4Win but not how to split a series of dozens of images.
We also tried a Python code which didn't work properly.
Does anyone know how to split a series of fits images into three channels R G B using any software or code?
Thank you!
Hi Boaz,
you could use fitswork. It is free software. The menu can be changed to English, see https://www.fitswork.de/anleitung/sprachen.php
The program is found here: https://www.fitswork.de/software/softw_en.php
The program supports batch processing:
After installing (unzipping files from Fitswork447en.zip) put your fits-files in some other folder.
File > Batch Processing (F5)
Open Start File (choose first fits from your folder) with option (All Files in Folder)
Then go to step 2 (click the arrow right)
Choose Color functions > Split Color Image to 3 B/W Images
Hans-Georg (PHG)
If you are using AIP4Win for photometry, you can also use it to split a time series into RGB channels. It does the splitting in the background - files are not created and saved for each channel.
Go to Preferences > DSLR Conversion Settings...
This dialogue sets up splitting not only DSLR/ colour CMOS images, but also Bayer array CCD images.
At the bottom of the panel, check the DBayer, Convert Color to Grayscale button.
For the channel you wish to run the photometry on, change 0.0 to 1.0. Make sure the other two channels stay on 0.0. Click Save, then Done.
When you run photometry on your time series (presumably using the Magnitude Measurement Tool), the measurements will then be done on the channel you selected.
Hi Roy
Many Thanks!
Hi Hans-Georg!
I will try this,
Many Thanks!
Hi Hans-Georg,
It works!
Very easy to work with this software (-:
Many thanks!
Hi Boaz,
fine that it works for you.
You can also use fitswork for photometry:
1. open fits file
2. mouse pointer on star (variable) =>keyboard L => instrumental mag is displayed (Mag: )
3. mouse pointer on second star (comparison star) => keyboard M => difference is displayed (rMag: )
(If your fits file contains three colors: select colour (red, green, blue; top right) at 2.)
Note: The instrumental magnitudes displayed can be written to a file. To do this:Set Settings/Various<L>.
Then the values can be transferred to a spreadsheet via Ctrl C and Ctrl V.
My workflow for DSLR photometry is fitswork and Excel for calculation of transformed BVR mags