Problem uploading images to VPHOT

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 12/22/2022 - 01:01

I'm using the wizard to attempt to upload files to VPHOT.  After the test image is loaded, the wizard flags one of the fields red, so I correct the filter type.  I then press NEXT, and am asked to upload images.  I upload a single image, and after upload press NEXT.  The image uploads but does not appear in the queue for processing or in my image list!  One of my mentorees is reporting the same problem.  Any ideas greatly appreciated.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Other missing headers?


My suspicion is that there are other headers missing which help vphot match the image with your vphot telescope account.

The wizard is only looking at headers which identify the target location and the filter.

We could zoom/skype to resolve this issue? You could also send me the image as an attachment.

Ken (

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Problem Uploading Images in VPhot

Hi Ken, I have had problems uploading images to VPhot. I put in a new telescope configuration, the Krizmanich 0.8 m scope at Notre Dame. I was able to upload one image, but all of the others won't do it. Can you help me with this? My email is Thanks!

Aaron McNeely

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Different Process??


Obviously, if one works, the others should also upload properly. Did you use the upload wizard in one case and quick upload in the other? Was there any difference between processing of the images? I suspect the answer to both questions is no? I will send you an email offline. Perhaps we can skype/zoom to discuss?


Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
No upload possible, uploaded images invisible

Dear sir, I uploaded several images to Vphot using the wizzard. Everything went ok but the Vphot image menu remains empty. The processed cue has the name of 4 of these images (3 are OK, one has no WCS). After uploading several more images (with WCS), the processed cue doesn't show anything anymore. Please help me resolve this issue. Thank you. Serge

(pinpoint seems to have difficulty with my images so I "" them first.)