Is there a way that a category of "Other" (or maybe "H-alpha") could be added to the filter choices given in the drop down menu in WebObs? I have been monitoring M31 for novae (in H-alpha) for several years and have regularly detected several. It would be nice if there was a way to add them to the AAVSO database even if imaged with a non-standard filter.
Tom (RTH)
I think the issue is that Ha is not a standard photometric filter. As such, any observations would not generally be useful to people analyzing variable star data. They would occupy space in the database but no one would do anything with them.
You are correct that the filter drop down box in the individual observation form does not include a menu item for an H-alpha filter. It is not a standard photometric filter used commonly.
However, if you look at the AAVSO Extended File Format page (, you will note that HA is a valid filter name.
Have you ever tried to submit your observation as an AAVSO Extended File Format Report with FILT HA? You would need to use software that generated such a report file.
That looks like the way to do it-- I will submit it that way.
That certainly looks like the way to do it-- I'll give that a try.