The AAVSO chart has only one comparison star (mag 14.3). As the SN is reported as mag 12.7 (see https://britastro.org/node/20392) it would be nice to have a range of comparisons. I tried to do a Chet, but it did not recognise the target. I guess its not in the system.
I know that it's not the best choice but using Gaia value my yesterday estimation of this SN was 12.8, much better than no estimation isn't it?
No comp stars between 14 and 9 yet but the star is referenced now
SN 2020ue Sequence Is Now Available via the VSP.
Contained within an F scale chart & ~ 12.5 V - 18.5 V
Good Observing & Ad Astra,
Tim Crawford, Sequence Team
Thank you Tim, this is much appreciated !
Hi Tim,
Many thanks for the sequence. I note that the AAVSO 125 comparison is on top of the core of NGC 4636.
Thanks John for poointing that out... I made an error last night with this choice.... it has now been removed and no replacement is available.
Per Ardua Ad Astra
SN 2020ue not yet in data base... This morning estimate 12.6
Tsrget Has an AUID & Previous Reported Observations in File...
Please clarify when you state not in data base?
I meant I could not report in web obs using the name - SN2020 ue.
I tried to load observation of SN 2020ue earlier today by using the name SN 2020ue and I was not able. Just tried again and no problem. All is good...