AAVSO Alert Notice 684 announces a campaign beginning today on the TT Tau star V1491 Cyg. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions, which include submitting both FITS images and reduced photometry.
Many thanks, and Good observing,
Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ
The question regarding comp stars was resolved without changes needed to the sequence.
Good observing!
Hi Everyone,
I contacted the 15 observers who have submitted data on V1491 Cyg to date about uploading images. As Dr. Froebrich says in his post above, it is essential for him to have the images. Please upload your images per the instructions at the "Take Part" (https://hoys.space/hoys-how-to/) section of the HOYS website. You can view a help video that is linked to from there.
For all observers going forward, please upload your images to HOYS and submit photometry to the AAVSO International Database.
Many thanks, and Good observing,