PNV J16271698+0405590: likely dwarf nova outburst (12.5 mag) in Hercules

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Wed, 07/03/2019 - 12:18

PNV J16271698+0405590 (UG:)

Discovery details:
R.A. 16h27m16.98s, Decl. +04°05'59.0" (J2000.0)
2019 July 1.9852 UT, 12.5 mag (CCD, Rc photometric filter)
Discoverer: Jan Vales (Observatorij Črni Vrh, Slovenia)

2019 07 01.9852 UT
Discovered by J. Vales at Crni Vrh Observatory on two 60-sec consecutive images, taken with the 301 mm f.l., f/4 camera lens + AP16E CCD + Rc photometric filter. There is no object at this position on similar pairs of images, obtained on 2019-06-29.986UT, 2019-06-26.992UT, 2019-06-25.939UT and 2019-06-24.978UT. MPC asteroid database give no object at this position.

2019 07 03.49 UT
The likely (blue) progenitor is USNO-A2.0 0900-08665192 (Bmag. 18.7, Rmag. 18.0) with Gaia DR2 position end figures 16.749s, 02.82" (equinox J2000.0, epoch 2015.5, Gmag. 18.83, parallax 4.4287 ± 0.3073 mas (distance 226 ± 17 pc)). Other designations are USNO-B1.0 0941-0257406, GSC2.3 N3LY010771 (Fmag. 18.52, Bjmag. 19.24, Vmag. 18.91, Nmag. 18.55), PSO J162716.756+040602.862 (gmag. 18.94, rmag. 18.82), GALEX J162716.7+040602, etc. The transient is probably a dwarf nova outburst with an amplitude of at least 6 magnitudes (WZ Sge type?). Spectroscopy as well as multiband and time-resolved photometry are strongly recommended. --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)

Clear skies,

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
ASAS-SN Sky Patrol light curve

2019 07 02.435 UT
Recent observations by the ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K) confirm this transient: 2019 June 27.251 UT, gmag. fainter than 16.14; July 2.435, 13.36; 2.436, 13.39; no previous outbursts were recorded since 2012 March 27; complete light curve at…
--- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
PNV J16271698+0405590 Now Has A Sequence


PNV J16271698+0405590 Now Has A Sequence

Good Observing & Ad Astra

Tim Crawford, Sequence Team

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thanks and question

Thank you Patrick and Tim for this info and sequence

I had issue with internet because of tunderstorms, so I use my SafariPro with the PNV reference but then receiving the map I saw a small but existing difference between the PNV reference name and the position on the map,

PNV J16271698+0405590 meaning :

16:27:16:98 +04:05:59.0

and the (2000) position on the map:

16:27:16:77 +04:06:02.6

I suppose that the map position is the one, because with SafariPro during the first night I was not estimating the good star.



Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)

My pleasure, Michel. The TCP/PNV/PSN designation on the CBAT "Transient Objects Confirmation Page" (TOCP) is based on the (often not very precise) position reported by the discoverer. Please use always the VSX position (for the link see my original post).
