List of pending submissions

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sun, 10/21/2018 - 08:21

It has happened to me several times to try to insert a new variable in the VSX and, when I insert the coordinates and perform the spot check, discover that this has already been discovered and is in pending for submission. To avoid typing one by one the coordinates of each star that in a field I think is a new variable it would not be possible to carry out a search, in a radius defined around certain coordinates, that gives me the list of all the suspect variables already in the approval phase in a similar way to that in which doing a search in VSX can I know all the variables cataloged in a certain area of the sky?

Thank you if you want to consider my request.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Make sure you have ticked all

Make sure you have ticked all V, S, N and "not checked" options. An example of position is 01 23 45.67 +01 23 45.6 - you need to click "More" only once in VSX searching site. Searching for nearby 10' radius is large enough.


If your time elapsed for searching was 0 miliseconds, there was something wrong with the settings.



Gabriel Murawski

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Thank you for your answer, Gabriel. I probably explained my request incorrectly. I have identified in a star field taken with my CCD seven variable stars that are not cataloged in the VSX. When I tried to add them to the database I entered the coordinates and I pressed "spot check" (image 1). At this point a message appeared indicating that the star at the coordinates I indicated is awaiting verification by a moderator (image 2). This same thing happened for all the stars in my field.

Since it takes enough time to identify variables in the field, I wonder if it would be possible to have a list of the stars already reported, but still waiting for a review by a moderator, to avoid analyzing these stars in my shots.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
It's a glitch. I always have

It's a glitch. I always have this message. Just ignore it.



Gabriel Murawski

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Not a glitch

Hi Ivaldo,

The number of such stars is usually small and the time window when this could happen is only 2 months long because if the new star is not approved by that time it will be deleted by the system. It is unfortunate that you have stumbled upon several of them.
We'll see if something can be done about it to warn observers before they complete their analysis.


Svensk Amator Astronomisk Forening, variabelsektionen (Sweden) (SAAF)
If you look again at image 2

If you look again at image 2 (vsx-2.png) you see that there is NOT any pending variables in the area you searched. You only see the headers, but no records in the table, and it says that "There was no records that matched the search criteria".

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Thomas, I believe that in the table below the stars already approved as variables would appear. If I have not misunderstood the message instead refers to spelle that someone has already sent to the VSX, but that the moderators have not yet confirmed.

Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
No matching records

As Thomas correctly indicates, the message is only to be taken into account when a record appears in the results set.  That is not the case in your example and that was likely also not the case those other times either.  I made sure that in the future the message in red will only appear when there are records in the queue that match the submission in question, so that there can be no confusion.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Are these new variable stars?

I would like to be sure I understood correctly. Are you telling me that all the stars I have identified as variables in the same field have not yet been identified by anyone? Do I have to continue the observations of this area to understand the type and find the period?

Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
Check again

You should check again, but the possibility that two people submit the same new variable within a couple of days is very small.  At least for the moment there are no pending submissions within a wide radius from the position you gave.

As for whether you have to observe these stars further, I would check existing survey data first.  Most likely that will already give you all the information needed.


WISE_NewVar Catalog

there is already an entry in the WISE_NewVar catalog, which matches to the coordinate of your new variable.

205034.37 472027.6 WISEJ205034.3+472029 EW W1=12.582 W2=12.676 amp=0.517 P=0.3853084
But I hope, that you can submit your discovery to VSX.

