Dead Link on the U Geminorum Web page (VSOT)

Sat, 09/15/2018 - 16:58

There is a dead link on the U Geminorum Web page (Variable Star of the Season

U GEM Eclipse Info & Ephemeris for 1999 from BAAVVS



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Dead link - fixed

Hi Laszlo,

Thank you for pointing out the dead link. It is no longer dead.

Unfortunately, I do not know where to find data from 1999 (which is what was on the original link) so I used an updated link I found to the BAAVSS ephemeris data and changed the text of the link a little. I hope that will work for you.

Best regards,


GMT/UTC difference

Hello Sara,

Thanks a lot, the new link works and provides me with up-to-date U Gem mideclipse ephemeris. However, I compared the data ( with the calculated VSX ephemeris (…) and found 8 to 9 minutes differences between mideclipse times (GMT/UTC). I wonder that time difference is constant for a longer period (a year) so I am able to recalculate the mideclipse times in U_GEM18.txt and get UTC times.



British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
U Gem ephemeris

Thanks for sorting the dead link.  The eclipse details used to reside on my web page, but when Virgin dropped out of Web hosting I moved my web page elsewhere and used the BAA servers to host the eclipse predictions.

The eclipse timings are there for guidance only.  I use an ancient program written in basic by John Greaves, and whilst I still have a PC that it works with, I'll keep it going as it is useful for some observers (it gets you to the eyepiece in time).  The numbers need updating which is why there will be small discrepancies.

An AAVSO CV eclipse predictor sounds like a nice project for someone - other than me ;-)


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
GMT/UTC difference

Hi Laszlo,

I am afraid that I cannot answer your question as I do not know exactly how the times were computed in either case. One thing I can see is that the VSX version uses HJD but we don't know for sure what the BAA is using. I found the ephemeris from the BAAVSS site on this page: 

Best regards,

NOTE: Gary's reply (above) came as I was composing this. Thanks Gary!