Bright Star Monitor member participation

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 09/06/2018 - 21:08

SUBJECT: Bright Star Monitor member participation

The AAVSO operates a global network of five, small robotically controlled, CCD equipped, telescopes.  These scopes support a full complement of filters and are capable of precision photometry in the range of 3 to 13 magnitudes in the V filter.  The network has been in operation for several years performing several major photometric surveys. Recently a decision has been made to promote an increase member use of the network.  All members, including the visual observer, are welcome to participate in an initial roll-out of this program this fall without going through the normal proposal approval process.  There is no cost to participate for members. We are looking for an intial group of six.  Each participant can provide their own targets of interest. Mentors are available to assist the observer in plan preparation, image analysis using the AAVSO VPHOT analysis software and in the data submittal.  Please respond to this post if you have an interest in participating and I will answer questions and fill in additional details.  


Clear Skies,



File Upload
American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Bright Star Monitor member participation

Hi Mike,

I am interested in observing YSOs in the southern hemisphere.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Bright Star Monitor


Yes, very interested in the program. Specifically, in observing RR Lyrae stars. I am a memeber of AAVSO. My observer code is PMAN. Thank you for posting the information about this exciting opportunity!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Need more info


Thanks for expressing your interest.  Do you have a target in mind?  If so, please start by providing the following info I will need to process your request.

Target: Name 

Filter(s) for observations - Typically the V filter is included.  You may want to include additional filter(s) 

VPHOT:  Do you want the images sent to AAVSO's VPHOT photometry application for analysis (and do you need help using it?)

Start and Finish Date: How long do you want to recive images for analysis

Once I have this info we can talk about the next step.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
TAC has approved your proposal


The TAC has approved your proposal.  Depending on weather you should expect to see images available in VPHOT soon.  Let me know when you get the analysis completed and whether we need to adjust the exposures.  Also, let me know if you have any other questions.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


You should have seen a VPHOT notification for GK Per.  There is a V filter image available.  Check to see if we need to increase the exposure.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Bright Star Monitor

I'm interested in participating the the BSM program.    I'm and member, and I use VPhot.

Phil Sullivan  SPP


Bright Star Monitor member participation

Hi Mike,

I replied a few minutes ago but it didn't seem to get to th forum, so please excuse me if you've already seen my earlier post.

I'd like to participate in this initiative. Variable Stars South has a number of projects that would benefit greatly from the global coverage of BSM telescopes. Is the BSM-ARG system hosted by Jaime Garcia up and running? If so it would plug a gap in the longitude coverage in the southern hemisphere. Any plans for an African BSM system?

I am a member of AAVSO and have experience with using VPhot.

The first target I am keen to observe is V777 Sgr ( 17 46 25.39, -26 12 01.1 ) a long period eclipsing binary that is due to start ingress in a couple of weeks. We need to monitor with all southern hemisphere BSM systems in B and V (and U if possible?) a couple of times per night from before first contact until after second contact, a period of a few weeks.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hi Mark,

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the interest.  The South American site is unfortunately not up and running at this time, please stay tuned.  V0777 Sgr is good target being in the range 8.59 - 8.72 V and at a resonable declination for the southern sites.  Would you provide the data requested here,  Please include in the Proposal Text box your name, membership status, method of communication such as email.  Also, add your description of the target, and scientific purpose or educational context.  At the top of the Text box please add that this is a request for the trial BSM roll-out period.  Don't forget to hit the submit button. We will get back to you soon about setup of the observing plan.  Again, thanks,


Proposal submitted

Hi Mike,

I've just submitted a proposal to observe V777 Sgr during the ingress phase of its upcoming eclipse. Let me know if further info or clarification is required. Cheers,


Variable Stars South (VSS)
Bright star monitor participation

I would also like to participate if possible.

I'm a member also.

I would like to look at an EB star alp Oct. It is listed as EB with very little data at 2.877d but in the spectroscopic binary DB at 9.073d.

It is catalogued as measurung 5.22-5.26 so only a small dip. It is too bright for me to measure using my scope.

My spectra confirm the 2.87 d but it would be good to have a time series to add confirmation.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hi Terry,

Hi Terry,

Thanks for participating.  I share your concern that the dip may not rise above the noise.  The good news is that it is a fairly bright star.  I checked the field around the target for comparision stars (2 degree field) but I didn't find any. There are two stars HIP 102162 (5.99 mag) and HIP 104365 (6.57 mag) which might be usable in this case.  I think the thing I fear the most is the airmass at the declination (-77 01 25.6) which would also affect the uncertainty.  The scope visible horizon just looks doable.  Maybe you might have a better target?  Let me know.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Bright stars

I would love to participate.

My interest is observing bright stars (brighter than 6. magnitude on the northern hemisphere) that can be used as comparisonstars.

That is making a list of bright stars with an accuracy of 0.002 mag if possible.

The current accuracy of bright stars is 0.141 mag . Is this realy the best observations today?

I am a member of AAVSO, and I am taking a course with Mark Blackfort this month (DSLR photometry)


Søren Toft


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hi Søren,

Hi Søren,

I believe you are interested bright comparision stars that can be used for measuring other bright variables.  If I got that right then I would recommend you request comparion stars from here:

Note: If your variable star has an existing sequence, even if it is only one comparison star, please request assistance via CHET. The above page is only for variables that have NO comparison stars.

In any case, if you have a need for observing with the BSM, let's continue our discusion.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Bright Star Monitor member participation

I am intersted in using these 'scopes in conjunction with Alert notice 645 ( Maser Study)

I have been an AAVSO member for  8years plus.

I hold a degree in Mechanical Engineering Engineering, a 3 year university certificate in Astronomy and Astrophysics of Galaxies and I use a remote telescope with SSON as the winter nights here in Canada are very cold  and not conducive to outdoor obdserving inthose log winter months.




Dave DDJ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


Me too, I mean I have a Mechanical Engineering degree.  The are many reasons we in the membership would find the BSM useful!.  The next steps for you to follow are summarized below:

Important Input from the User captured here             

  • Requester name, membership status, obscode and an e-mail address.
  • Summary of why the observations are scientifically or educationally useful
  • Users plan for the data, i.e. AAVSO data base, astronomical paper, education
  • Request image upload to VPHOT
  • Target(s) name verification, check VSX ( (select SEARCH) to ensure name is listed.
  • Target Sky Coordinates (accurate coordinates in the format, can be found in VSX)
  • Target V magnitude range, Check VSX.
  • Confirm appropriate comparison stars.  VSX can provide a Star Chart (C size, 2 minute field) and Comp star photometry (select SEQUENCE)
  • Need Comparison stars, request them here:; Note: If your variable star has an existing sequence (in any of the Chart sizes), even if it is only one comparison star, please request assistance via CHET
  • Time interval for observations in days
  • Which filters to include in the session sequence
  • Number of image to be taken in each filter
  • Exposure time in seconds, for each filter
  • Provide a starting date and a finish date for the Project
  • Copy text to the submittal box here ( and submit

If you have any questiosn we could take them to e-mail.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Yes, it looks like the

Yes, it looks like the exposure time needs to be increased. As I understand it, that will increase the target size. As you can see from my attachment, GK Per looks very small and faint.

FYI: I will be unavailable the rest of tonight, as I am leaving for work soon. Thanks.

File upload
American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


Changes have been made, let me know if I can help with VPHOT.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


Since the orginal post, four members proposed observation plans and they have been accepted.  There is room for more participation.  Please let me know if you are interested.


V777 Sgr observations

Hi Mike,

I've received several nights of V777 Sgr BVRI observations from BSM-S and BSM-Berry and I'm grateful for those. However, for our specific project the R and I observations are not useful because the eclipse depth in those bands is very shallow.

Currently there are 3 images in each of the BVRI filters, and only one set is recorded each night.

I would like to have the schedule changed to so that a set contains 5 images in each of B and V, and have two sets of images recorded at each telescope each clear night. The first set as early in the evening as possible (but not in twilight) and the second set when V777 Sgr reaches 40 degrees elevation.

The current exposure times (40sec in V, 80sec in B) are fine.

Finally, can the images be added to David Benn's ( BDJB ) VPhot account as well as my own?

