Thought I'd cracked this, but obviously not!
While reporting my obs 2 nights ago using the charting/reporting tool I have written, the JD was 1 day too late, and I have also had a reply to the same effect by my one and only user so far. Here is what I am using (VB6) which comes from this forum ex Meeus, with small changes - I don't need negative dates for obvious reasons! Below gives just the julian day - the decimal of the time is added to the result.
Public Function julian(Y As Integer, m As Integer, d As Integer) As Long
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer
a = Int(Y / 100)
b = 2 - a + Int(a / 4)
If m > 2 Then
'do nothing
Y = Y - 1
m = m + 12
End If
julian = Int(365.25 * (Y + 4716)) + Int(30.6001 * (m + 1)) + d + b - 1524.5
End Function
Happy to compare notes with my implementation. Looks very much the same as:
If you want to compare results of specific date tests, let me know.
Thanks David, looks as though you include the day (decimal and all) as one of the parameters, whereas I add it on after the 'integer' JD (without decimal) has been returned. Could be that's what is giving me the wrong result, so I shall give that a try. Many thanks.
Hi Michael
Yep, that makes sense. When I looked quickly at your code above I didn't notice the integer type for day in your function's parameter list. As you say, mine is of a real type:
Hi David,
Yes, that did it! Just ran the new code and everything correct to 4 dp. Cheers!
Glad to help Michael.