I purchased an HP laptop so I can do my photometry while traveling. A 64 bit processor running Windows 10. I installed jre-8u92-Windows-x64 big friendly check mark and message that Java installed successfully
Downloaded VSTAR.jnlp. Started it. Got error box with big red dot and an "X" . Messages say
Java Installation Not Completed
Unable to install Java
There are errors in the following switches:
Check that the contents are valid and try again
I have no idea what to do next. I have had no problems (recently) with Java and VSTAR on my desktop iMac
I love VSTAR. I detest Java There is no excuse for error messages like that Laziness on the developers part
Ps. I am referring to the developers of Java
Hi George
I'm sorry to hear about that.
Can you tell me whether downloading the latest release from SourceForge (instead of WebStart) works on that Windows 10 machine?
Can you also tell me the output of "java -version" in a Windows command (DOS) prompt?
We'll sort this out.
The fact that we don't (can't easily) test on all platforms before release leaves us open to this kind of thing but to be honest, I'm not sure that would help since there are many moving parts (OS version x Java version).
Hi David and George
Just for information, I have a 64 Bit ASUS computer running Windows 10 and I have not experienced the problems being reported. In fact I have been using VStar over the last few days from the Web Launch.
Thanks for that datapoint Robert.
It may be useful to compare George's environment with yours. Will see how it goes.
i want to make it clear that my comment about the developers was NOT directed at you, but at Oracle/Java. I spent decades as a software developer and designer. One can see this message as a catch all for a group of inconsistent situations. ,
Hi George
No worries at all mate.
Understood. I agree that the message from Java is not at all helpful.
I would like to help you resolve the problem though, so feel free to pass on the info about your environment (java -version) and we'll see if we can spot the problem. Also whether or not you can run the version from SourceForge.
Hardware and OS:
HP Stream Notebook PC13. Windows 10 Home. Version 1511 OS Build 10586.218 RAM 2 gig
64 bit OS, x64based processor
JRE 1.80_92 Download
Platform SE Binary - 8.0.920.14
Web start Launcher -
VSTAR jnlp downloaded 2016.5.1 at 4:10 PM EDT
Let me know if more is needed
Hi George
The other question I had above was:
From what you mention, the only other two things I wonder about at the moment are: