GUVV-2 J104325.0+563258.0

Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
Wed, 01/27/2016 - 22:40


According to LINEAR data the AM CVn system GUVV-2 J104325.0+563258.0 (SDSS J104325.06+563258.1) seems to have had a very bright outburst (12.65!) in the past:…

I highly doubt this is real.





American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
other data?

Hello Eddy,

There are three data points there, taken on the same night as other data. Any reason why you think they are not real?


Best wishes - clear skies,


Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
GUVV-2 J104325.0+563258.0

Hello Stella,

It could but when you look at point #124 (mag 12.65) and point #125 (mag 18.09) the time difference is only 19 minutes!!! This would a very very rapid fading! Or maybe point #125 is incorrect...

Kind regards,






American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Probably not rteal

I think it is highly unlikely that those points are real.

The star already shows oiutbursts from 21.0 to 16.9 so having an outburst as bright as 12.7 doesn't make much sense.
And a 5.4 mag. fading in 19 minutes could qualify as impossible.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Very good point - I was

Very good point - I was wondering if the outburst was caught in decline. There is a nice theoretical paper talking about AM CVn outbursts and discussing timelines of a day or less, for certain conditions in the He disk I agree that the amplitude is a little too large. I tried to find other data on this object in the literature, but wasn't successful. Would be nice to see if there is an outburst cycle...

Thank you for bringing this star to my attention - AM CVns are very interesting!


Best wishes - clear skies,


Ukraine Astronomical Group, Variable Star Section (UAG)
GUVV-2 J104325.0+563258.0


I think this is not outburst. Please, look at LINEAR data more careful… :

2453724.909799 0.00 inf 12.70
2453724.922896 0.00 inf 12.76
2453724.935885 0.00 inf 12.65
2453724.948971 0.00 inf 18.09


There are columns (from txt header):

# Column definitions
# ------------------
# epoch: Time of observation in HJD
# mag: calibrated magnitude or 0.0 if no detection
# magerr: calibrated magnitude error or inf if not detection
# limmag: limiting magnitude of exposure
# epoch mag magerr limmag

So, as you can see the star wasn't detected in 2453724.909799, 2453724.922896, 2453724.935885 and 2453724.948971 (2nd column has only 0.00). There only was limmag very different (clouds?).

And please, uncheck box "Plot non-detection" below light curve on your link to see only possitive data. There are well visible that the star wasn't brither than 17.0 in all data.

