Automated notification of new charts

Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand, Variable Star Section (RASNZ-VSS)
Sat, 01/03/2015 - 01:28

Will, please can I make a suggestion about new charts. Is it possible to have all new or updated charts appear somewhere automatically with a link on the front AAVSO page. For example, I have been trolling VSX to find UGs for which I do not have a chart. I have found severeal already and I am only up to Carina. It would be helpful for observers if new sequencecs/charts could appear automatically as soon as they are developed rather than wait for the notification that new sequences have been done.
Your thoughts?
Stephen [HSP]


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hi Stephen,
I think this is a

Hi Stephen,

I think this is a good idea. It's a bit too much work for the current release of VSP, but if there's interest I'll definitely keep it in mind for future updates.