AAVSO Special Notice #381 announces the HST/COS observing window for the 40th and last target in the large CV campaign that has been in progress since October 2012. SDSS J100658.40+233724.4 is the target, a UG dwarf nova around 18.3 V at min and 15.6 V at max. Please see the Special Notice for details. Many thanks and good observing!
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
Over the past month measurements have been 18.2 - 18.4 Clear filter with V reference
Just did a paste into AID for this, object and got no results. I was able to get a Chart using the same moniker. (SDSS J100658.40+233724.4). Gordon, is the data you refer to in the AID?
I was able to plot a light curve using the SDSS name, but when I search to highlight Gordon's data they do not show up. I assume he has not entered them yet.
Mike Simonsen
Weird - I get the plot using SDSS J100658.40+233724.4. Are you sure you checked the box to show Unfiltered w/V zero pt? The box got added to the LCG a few months ago and I often have the same problem...
I got a another measurement last night and also Arlo Landolt got one using a 84" scope (I think that is called cheating... :) His data also shows on the chart.
Hello Gordon
I think I may not have selected this option. I am so used to looking in V only.
Funny thing. I am one of the folks who requested to separate these. I just have to get in the habit of looking at the CV (Clear with V zero point) data. Thanks for reminding me.
I plan to help/observe soon. I am at the 24 inch tonight and tomorrow night for Open Nights at Maria Mitchell Obs--but after 10 pm, I will look for this object. Since it is an open night, it almost guarantees that I will see clouds. Anything besides V worth going for?
Hello Mike;
I looked and Gordon's Data is now there. I only went back 100 days and nothing was there this morning. Now I went back 1000 days, and there is more data there.
Well, it finally cleared on Nantucket, and I got SDSS J10058.40+233724.4 (CV # 40) of the HST/COS Campain. Had 10 images of 300 Secs in CV thru the MMO 24 Inch, the last 3 got clouded out. 7 Measurements between 18.31 and 18.51, with errors of .09 to .19, best to worst.
I also took 7 images in V of 300 Secs each, but even stacking all of them, I got nothing for the object.
Its all in AID, and available on the LCG.
The precise interval HST/COS will observe SDSS J100658.40+233724.4 on March 20 has been scheduled. Please see AAVSO Special Notice #382 for details.
This is the last target of the big CV survey by Drs. Gaensicke, Patterson, Henden, and 13 others that has been underway for more than a year, so let's make our final score 100%!
Many thanks and Good observing,
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
Observing it tonight (JD 6735. All looks normal.
As of 2456734.8331 (18Mar14) I got 18.427 un-transformed CV magnitude with +/-0.093 error from a sum of 10x3 minute clear filter exposures through my 13" cassegrain with an ST-8XE CCD. I Should have the next/last observation in an hour or so.
James, Los Angeles, CA
Got another run on SSDS....... last night. Not much doing. Its at the limit of a 5 minute exposure for me. Errors of half a magnitude.
Will try again tonight--weather permitting--forecast is good.
I shot 21 x 3min images of SDSS J100658.40+233724.4, summing in sets of 3x3min images and getting a nice little curve of changing brightness. I used 6 reference stars to get the ensemble CV magnitude. Hope HST gets good data!
James Foster, Los Angeles, CA
Hi James,
You observed the eclipse exactly on time.
I also got an eclipse of it last night. Minimum was 21.3 mag in CV. It shows at 19.2 pre eclipse and 18.4 post eclipse. 25-3 minute integrations and 25-5 minute integrations. I got it early in the evening on the East Coast--JD 6735.56. Other observations show it later in the evening by several hours.
Tonight's scheduled HST/COS observations of SDSS J100658.40+233724.4 were APPROVED by the HST team after earlier concerns the target might be going into outburst and so be too bright for the satellite instrumentation.
If you have the opportunity to monitor this CV during the HST window - or even if not exactly then but you can make some observations anytime tonight and tomorrow - it would be wonderful! Most of the US northeast is clouded out tonight (so no Regulus occultation either). Please see AAVSO Special Notice #381 for details of tonight's observations.
Many thanks and good observing,
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
Here is what I got last night (20Mar14):
I shot 33 x 3min images of SDSS J100658.40+233724.4, summing in sets of 3x3min images using 6 reference-comp stars as the previous night. Hope HST got some data at the same time....would love to see their photometry/accuracy...after the publication embargo period is over that is!
I got it at 13:00 UT March 20 from Eastern Australia. 10x300s. Hazy, and airmass no better than 1.9 at my latitude, but it all adds to the picture. Average clear/V zero point mag 18.6. Looks like the beginnng of an eclipse at 2456737.03069 just as the haze gave way to cloud.
Looks like its in outburst. I got it in CV at 15.4 at JD 2456754.512.
A few minutes ago I observed at 15.621CV (HJD=2456755.39816).
Just got SDSS J100658+233724.4 continuing in outburst at 16.5 on JD6760 Sat Nite
Clear Skies
Hello All
Just started a run on SDSS J100658+233724.4 (JD 6761 (Sun Eve/EST). Its still in outburst at 16.0. Now that I have reduced the data, it looks like 16.7 and fading.
Clear Skies
Got it between 18 and 19 last night during its cycle. Looks like its back and quiescence again.
I took a couple of days worth of data (3-9 Apr 2014) when it was annonced that SDSS J100658.40 was in outburst. Hope to reduce it this weekend after I get my 4-5 month runs submitted for FS Aur and AQ Eri.
Helo James
Excellent, can't wait to see your data.
Looks like its 16.5 tonight (JD = 6772). Anyone confirm this? If so, it may be in outburst again.
Here's what I got in 6-8Apr14 timeframe:
I didn't see it on 21Mar14 or subsequent days after 08Apr14.