BM And

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sat, 06/15/2013 - 11:46

Andromeda is now coming into view and I'd like to draw your attention to a star that looks as though it could do with some coverage. BM And is (apparently) an UX Ori/ROT star though its spectrum of K5 is surely too late for a standard UXOR. The chart even gives a period of about 19 days though the 'ROT' part of the type may well have a bearing on that. Visually, the rotational amplitude shouldn't be large but I am assuming that dips have been observed that have led to the UXOR classification.

The variable is close to our old friend Z And, in a real purdy lil' old asterism, so there's no excuse!

BM And

  This is a little late for a response, but I'll give this one a try, Mike. I'm often up right before dawn due to my job schedule and I'm trying to take advantage of this to make estimates of stars just peeking above the horizon before it gets too light. But it's just a little dimmer than I like for my telescope and light-polluted skies. 12th magnitude is often a challenge and if it dips below 13.0 estimates get to be a real struggle! Plus some of my favorite YSO's in Taurus and Orion will be in view soon!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
BM And

I've been monitoring BM And for several days now in V & I.  It's part of our LARI project.  It's in the LCG.

Jim Roe [ROE]

Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
BM And was very faint last

BM And was very faint last night.

It's indeed very close to Z And and quickly found. I'm still the only recent visual observer... Thanks for pointing this one out!

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Great! Looks as though we

Great! Looks as though we might be catching another fade, which looks like it's heading for that 19-day period. Might be highly relevant, because the lightcurve looks UXORious but the spectrum doesn't.

Disappointing weather here (of course!) - in the 90's F, sunny by day but cloud/heat haze at night. At least getting a decent tan.