HST ULYSSES Southern T Tauri Campaign - Alert Notice 741

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 04/23/2021 - 19:57

AAVSO Alert Notice 741 announces a campaign on several Southern T Tauri stars in support of HST and TESS observations. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

There are threads for this campaign under the following forums:

- Campaigns and Observation Reports: https://www.aavso.org/hst-ulysses-southern-t-tauri-campaign-01
- Young Stellar Objects: https//www.aavso.org/hst-ulysses-southern-t-tauri-campaign

Please subscribe to these threads if you are participating in the campaign so you can be updated by the astronomer and by HQ. Join in the discussion or ask questions there!

The tables below contain the targets. They will be updated as HST times are added or revised, so please check them frequently! Also, be sure to read the Alert Notice to see Notes pertaining to these targets.

Table 1: Scheduled Southern Targets

****Note 5/25/21: The targets NSV 20468 (Sz 130) and NSV 20520 (Sz 111) have been scheduled for HST. They have been moved from Table 2 to Table 1.

Note: The HST dates for HM Lup and GQ Lup have been switched by HST. The revised dates are below.

Primary Name Alternate Name RA   (2000) DEC (2000) Range (VSX)  Mean V (not midpoint)  HST (2021 UT) TESS (2021 UT)
CHX 18N 2MASS J11114632-7620092 [Cha] 11 11 46.34 76 20 08.9 11.76 - 12.82 V 11.9 Apr 29 14:30-23:37 Apr 28-May 24
HM Lup Sz 72 15 47 50.63 -35 28 35.4 14.45 - 14.95 V 14.8 May 4 11:30-23:00 Apr 28-May 25
GQ Lup Sz 75 15 49 12.11 -35 39 05.1 11.3 - 14.3 V 11.4 May 3 13:00-01:30 Apr 28-May 25
GW Lup Sz 71 15 46 44.73 -34 30 35.7 13.54 - 14.39 V 13.5 May 5 11:00-23:30 Apr 28-May 25
NSV 20416 Sz 77    [Lup] 15 51 46.96 -35 56 44.1 12.2 - 13.7 V 13.3 May 7 10:30-22:30 Apr 28-May 25
Sz 76 2MASS J15493074-3549514 [Lup] 15 49 30.74 -35 49 51.4 15.1 (0.1) V 15.2 May 10 09:00-20:00 Apr 28-May 25
NSV 20359 Sz 66   [Lup] 15 39 28.28 -34 46 18.1 15.3: - 15.7 V 15.0 May 24 03:30-16:00 Apr 28-May 25
NSV 18716 Sz 45   [Cha] 11 17 36.98 -77 04 38.1 11.8: - 14.1V 13.5 May 25 03:00-14:00 Apr 28-Jun 24
XX Cha   11 11 39.67 -76 20 15.0 13.1 - 15.3 V 15.3 May 29/30 00:00-11:30 Apr 28-Jun 24
GX Cha Hn 5 11 06 41.79 -76 35 49.1 15.8:  - 17.2: V 15.6 May 31 00:00-09:30 May 26-Jun 24
IN Cha   11 12 09.83 -76 34 36.5 15.8 - 16.6 V 16.5 Jun 5/6 21:00-07:00  May 26-Jun 24
T Cha   11 57 13.52 -79 21 31.5 10.09 - 14.5 V 11              ----- Apr 28-Jun 24
NSV 20468 Sz 130   [Lup] 16 00 31.04 -41 43 37.0 13.9 - 15.1 V 14.7 June 20 May 26-Jun 24
NSV 20520 Sz 111   [Sco] 16 08 54.68 -39 37 43.1 14.1 - 14.6 V 14.0 June 20 May 26-Jun 24

Table 2: Southern Targets - HST times to be scheduled (these targets will be moved to Table 1 as they are scheduled)

Primary Name Alternate Name RA   (2000) DEC (2000) Range (VSX) Mean V (not midpoint)  HST (2021 UT) TESS (2021 UT)
SZ Cha   10 58 16.75 -77 17 17.2 11.7 - 13.8 V 12.7 May-Jun Apr 28-Jun 24
TW Cha   10 59 01.06 -77 22 40.9 12.3 - 14.0 V 13.4 late Apr-Jun Apr 28-Jun 24
SSTc2d J160000.6-422158 2MASS J16000060-4221567  [Nor] 16 00 00.60 -42 21 56.8 16.4 - 16.7 V 15.9 Jun 19-23 May 26-Jun 24
RU Lup   15 56 42.31 -37 49 15.5 9.8 - 12.9 V 10 10 Aug - 2 Sep         -----

Many thanks, and Good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ

Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
T Tauri stars

Is there still a need to continue observations of the stars in the list?



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
HST to observe 2 targets tonight/tomorrow (Southern T Tau stars)

HST is observing two targets from this campaign TONIGHT or TOMORROW. AAVSO Alert Notice 748 gives information for the two targets (NSV 20468  (= Sz 130) [Lup] and SSTc2d J160000.6-422158  [Nor]). Please see the notice for observing instructions.

Many thanks, and good observing,

Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ