Data Mining

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20 57 By wglogowski 4 months 3 weeks ago

Updates to LcTools for Data Mining TESS Light Curves

alschmitt Fri, 03/19/2021 - 16:52

Hello Everyone,

Over the past year, I have greatly expanded the capabilities of LcTools (see forum topic "LcTools for Analyzing TESS, K2, and Kepler Light Curves" for original background information). The system now supports a new signal detection method called QuickFind which enables you to process light curves extremely fast. This is ideal for data mining TESS light curves where rapid signal processing is important due to the sheer volume of data. 

Data Mining Workshop: Jupyter Notebooks

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
YPFA Thu, 03/18/2021 - 23:59

I have just been watching (on YouTube) the Data Mining Workshop from last November, run by Colin Littlefield.

I am about 1h 30m into the video and Colin is talking about Jupyter notebooks and perhaps other items which were sent to participants in advance.

I have installed the Anaconda distribution of Python and Lightkurve, but I cannot progress without the Jupiter notebook/s and anything else he may be about to reference in the remainder of the workshop.

How might I access the package of materials that underpins the workshop?

Regards: Paul

SuperWasp data: Duplicate dates

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Ed Wiley_WEY Mon, 06/01/2020 - 15:45

I am working through a download of SuperWasp data for an eclipsing binary (V1183 Her). Some of the data are suitable for calculating times of minima. However, I am also finding observations that have the same HJD, as shown below. (HJD, mag, error)

2454579.533, 12.8704, 0.0349

2454579.533, 12.9583, 0.0375

LcTools for Data Mining TESS, K2, and Kepler Light Curves

alschmitt Wed, 03/18/2020 - 12:02

Hello Everyone,

For those of you wishing to data mine light curves from the TESS, K2, and Kepler missions, you might want to consider using LcTools, a large-scale Windows based software system for viewing and analyzing light curves. The system is optimized for processing large numbers of light curves in a fast and efficient manner to facilitate data mining activities.

The LcTools system consists of four major applications -- LcGenerator, LcSignalFinder, LcViewer, and LcReporter.