Normal topic
New Mira candidate - NSVS and ASAS data unavailable?
by Trygve Prestgard on Fri, 02/24/2017 - 13:13 |
Long Period Variables (LPVs) |
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Request for followup on several novae!
by finzellt on Mon, 02/20/2017 - 15:10 |
Time Sensitive Alerts |
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The AAVSO on MonsterTalk podcasts
by stellakafka on Thu, 02/16/2017 - 16:03 |
General AAVSO Discussion |
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CHOICE course offering for visual observers
by BSJ on Wed, 02/15/2017 - 19:00 |
Visual Observing |
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huge dataset of nearby stars available to public
by nmi on Mon, 02/13/2017 - 16:13 |
Exoplanets |
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Request for follow up on a few novae
by finzellt on Mon, 02/13/2017 - 15:56 |
Novae |
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Students submitting observations to AAVSO
by luckas on Mon, 02/06/2017 - 05:29 |
Variable Stars in Education |
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Light Curves CHOICE class starting soon!
by BSJ on Tue, 01/31/2017 - 17:29 |
General AAVSO Discussion |
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bet Pic BRITE observing campaign
by weo on Tue, 01/31/2017 - 16:53 |
Campaigns & Observation Reports |
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by MUY on Sun, 01/29/2017 - 16:53 |
Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) |
Normal topic
PNV J18580379+1701265: new transient (12.1 mag) in Aquila
by SPK on Sat, 01/21/2017 - 07:56 |
Time Sensitive Alerts |
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TranformApplier, TA, version 2.49 released: bug fix
by SGEO on Mon, 01/16/2017 - 22:56 |
Software Development |
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What is Converter Script (PHP) for visual obs?
by lmk on Sat, 01/14/2017 - 19:11 |
Visual Observing |
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Protecting dark skies - for astronomy and life
by stellakafka on Mon, 01/09/2017 - 20:42 |
General AAVSO Discussion |
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RZ Psc fade
by pox on Mon, 01/02/2017 - 21:47 |
Young Stellar Objects (YSO) |
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Y2017 problem?
by lmk on Sun, 01/01/2017 - 07:18 |
Web Site and Forum Help & Announcements |
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Needed: QZ Vul photometry TOMORROW (Dec 31)
by chomiuk on Sat, 12/31/2016 - 04:22 |
Campaigns & Observation Reports |
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Needed: QZ Vul photometry TOMORROW (Dec 31)
by chomiuk on Sat, 12/31/2016 - 04:21 |
Campaigns & Observation Reports |
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Amateur astronomer helps uncover secrets of unique pulsar binary system
by hambsch on Thu, 12/15/2016 - 21:27 |
General AAVSO Discussion |
Normal topic
The recurrent nova M31N 2008-12a (in the Andromeda galaxy) has finally erupted!
by SPK on Mon, 12/12/2016 - 18:32 |
Time Sensitive Alerts |