I've been trying to upload several times files from this evening. Half of them loads, half of them never appears in VPHOT.
No idea why. No messages to find about it in the server queue.
In attachment an example
Could you please have a look what's wrong ?
Kind Regards,
It seems the file (12MB…
It seems the file (12MB) does not want to attach to this forum topic ?
I did manage to upload…
I did manage to upload the rest of the files, but then the already present files disappeared away.
After that I did load the 25 files that disappeared again, and now I do have, finally, the 81 to be analysed.
I just wonder if the disappeared files are not somewhere lingering on the cloud and taking space ?
Perhaps worthwhile to have a look at that point ?
The problem is related to the lack of a USERNAME= field in the fits header. If you can get that set with your obscode, the file would not get lost. Also the SITELAT and SITELONG fields are blank.
The problem on my side is not having good error reporting inside of VPhot.
Hi George,
That's interesting.
I've found where SITELAT and SITELONG do disappear, finally. Had been looking for it, but now I found the reason : NINA does note it, but I do calibrate with AstroImageJ and there they were overwritten.
But, no idea where I could add systematically USERNAME= ?
Also, does it have to be my AAVSO observerid or ???
ok, found Username : VPHOT does load it himself when uploading the files (so it says in the STEP 3: REVIEW HEADER).
And the file I added as example came from my own disk, so was not yet loaded.
Cross fingers now problems will disappear.
Thanks a lot for putting me in the right direction !