U Scorpii

Nucleo de Estudo e Observacao Astronomica - Jose Brazilicio de Souza (Florianopolis, Brazil) (NEOA-JBS)
Tue, 09/28/2021 - 20:25

Dear friends,

Follows information from ATEL #14939:

"The Large Area Telescope (LAT), one of two instruments on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, has detected a new transient gamma-ray source, Fermi J1623-1752. From data obtained on 2021 Sep 28 (00:00-06:00 UTC),...

A possible counterpart to the LAT transient is the recurrent nova U Scorpii with position offset by 0.18 deg from the LAT position...",

URL: https://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=14939


In 2021 Sept. 27 at 22:22 UT I observed U Sco's field and this star was not observed, so my estimate was fainter than 11.5 (using ASAS-3 comps).


with regards,



Thanks for this post Alex, it’s very interesting! I remember in 2017-2018 there was an observing campaign of this star system but was cancelled because it was reckoned by Brad Schaeffer that it had gone into outburst while behind the sun in early 2018. Only time will tell whether this could have been true, let’s wait and see….unfortunately for me it is now too low in the sky to observe until early January 


Nucleo de Estudo e Observacao Astronomica - Jose Brazilicio de Souza (Florianopolis, Brazil) (NEOA-JBS)
Dear friends,


Dear friends,

Lastest observations sent to AAVSO Database are:

2021 Sep. 28.94514 <11.6 Vis. DCMA

2021 Sep. 29.02403 18.6 CV SKA


No bright optical counterpart was detected, as Sokolovsky pointed in ATEL #14941:



I'd like to link this topic with another recent ones regarding U Sco:

https://www.aavso.org/u-sco-observation-needs-followup (March 2020)

https://www.aavso.org/u-sco-2019-campaign-01 (April/September 2019)

Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
U Sco from tonight remotely from Chile

I measured it at about mag CV 18.1+/- 0.2 from Chile.

Data are with the AAVSO database.I will keep it in my observing session for as long as it is visible.
