VPHOT ERROR MSG: "The time limit for plate solving has expired"

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American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 08/20/2020 - 13:19

In the View Processed Images/Uploaded Images section the Status shows "PinPoint Error" and an Error message "The time limit for plate solving has expired".

I have had success with other images but I cannot get VPHOT to plate solve. What does this mean and how would I solve it?



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
plate solve failure


It means vphot/pinpoint was not able to plate solve that image. We use multiple catalogs but have a time limit for attempts on each to keep things moving when images are of poor quality.

What did the image(s) look like? Were there clouds? Or other problem with the images? Or none?

Take a look and advise. Try to upload one to astrometry.net (if you do not have your own local copy of pinpoint) and see if it plate solves.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
plate solve failure


Seeing was very good that night. The star images counts and FWHM are good.

I did upload the image to astrometry.net which gave the RA and DEC of image center, fov and resolution. It even identified stellar objects in the image. Is this what is meant as being plate solved? I then used AIJ to edit the FITS header to enter the center coordinates. Should the Telescop info in VPHOTprovide the additional info such as resolution, fov, etc needed to plate solve? I tried several uploads of the image in trying to get it plate solved.and noticed the FITS header did not include the Telescop info. I even entered it in the header but still no plate solve.  

Not being plate solved has been a long term issue. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. We have previously discussed this issue and there is the idea that because it is a DSLR image VPHOT is not compatible. I wonder if that is the case since sometmes it plate solves and sometimes not. 



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
DSLR Image Issue


I only vaguely recall our previous discussion. You mentioned several things above that are confusing about your VPhot telescope set up and your fits headers. Both are important. Could you send me an email off-line so we can start to discuss in detail?

Ken (kenmenstar@gmail.com)