Pointing: good
Tracking: The 80 sec exposures (B filter) are mostly trailed, some bad enough that I deleted them from the stacks. The 60 sec V and 30 sec I exposures are all good.
Signal: Nothing seems saturated. Good SNR's in targets and comps, all filters.
Recommend: Exposures of 80 seem a bit too long for this system, but 60 seconds works fine. I suggest using the same number of images for B, but using 60 sec exposures
Comment: No transforms yet.
...still no transforms for BSM_S2.
I have several images from this system.
Still no good std field images either!
The tracking seems to be getting worse.
Please decrease the B filter exposures for GU Sgr and ASAS-RCB-8 from 80s to 60s and increase the number of images from 5 to 7.
Change made.