AAVSO Alert Notice 686 announces a campaign beginning immediately on the star TYC 2597-735-1. B-band FITS images are requested. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.
Many thanks, and Good observing,
Elizabeth O. Waagen, AAVSO HQ
This is a pretty wide field for most with PT gear. I was able to cover the Target and 3 of the Comp Stars by centering the scope on 16:47:55.19 and Dec of 35:12:38.4. This puts the Target and the Comps at the outer 10% of my 22 arc min field. It will put the flat fielding precision to the test. Hope to make a run tonight. Its also a big challenge to get this object just after dark, but before it goes below 25 degrees above the horizon. We might have to defer to next season.
Hi Gary,
The PIs and I do understand this field is a challenge size-wise and due to its low western position. However, it can't be deferred until next season because the data are needed to meet research and publication deadlines. The extra efforts you are making are gratefully appreciated!
Thanks, and good observing,
I got a run on the object this am--it was 9 degrees above the horizon when I started and 18 degrees when I ended. I had set ACP to run first thing last night, but somehting did not work--so I jumped on it this am manually just to get some data. I have posted it on the AID. Error bars of .006 to .032--so not bad for the conditions. I have more images that I will reduce later. I also plan to continue observing tonight.
Hi Gary,
This is great - thank you! You have probably already done so, but if not, please send your reduced images to the URL in the Alert Notice and the instrumental mags of the target and comps to the PI (address in Alert Notice). Many thanks.
Do you want us to use the B APASS magnitudes. I see the V APASS mags in the Alert Notice. If so, can
you add them to the Alert Notice. I tried but was unable to access them.
I see that VSP has provided the B APASS magnitudes, which is what I used. for the first night, and will continue to use them.
Just Posted second nights data.
Dear Observers,
Today I contacted Dr. Keri Hoadley, the PI on this campaign, to ask her how she felt the campaign was going. I'm very happy to share her reply. She writes: "The observers have been great and have been either directly uploading their observations to our database or sending them through email. I expect that we'll have the 10 nights worth of data we need by the end of November, if not very early December... I think that from the interest expressed by the handful of observers who have been contacting me have in continuing to observe TYC, I'm confident we will be all set and ready for our publication very soon.
"I have to say I am incredibly pleased with the quality of the data coming in and the very responsive observers, everyone has been so wonderful and helpful! It's been a pleasure working with AAVSO, thank you for the very positive experience."
Regarding the problem some observers have had uploading images to the Google drive, she adds: "Will you also let the thread know that I was not aware that the Google Drive I set up as a data repository requires a Google account, and if they don't have one, they are welcome to share their images with me directly through email or whatever works best for them? One of the observers caught this a few nights ago. I was under the impression that anyone who has the link I shared can access/upload files, but I guess that's not true without a Google account!"
Thank you all, and keep up the excellent work!
Best wishes,
Dear Observers,
Dr. Hoadley has informed me that they have all the data of TYC 2597-735-1 that they need for their analysis. Thus, the campaign (Alert Notice 686) is concluded. She also says : "We're still on-track to submit this publication to Nature sometime very shortly after the beginning of the year. The observers have been so fantastic, I cannot thank everyone enough!"
Sincere thanks to all who contributed to this campaign!
Good observing,