
Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
Thu, 06/15/2017 - 23:11

For the past 2 or 3 days I've been trying to plate solve with AstroImageJ which uses appears to be unavailable. Just me or have others seen this too?


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Plate Solve Problems

I just tried a plate solve via via AIJ and MaximDL.  Both failed.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thank you!, THANK YOU!

I thought I was going crazy, plate solving failed twice while using sequence generator plus and I finally realized it was them, thank you for corroborating. 


Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
Changing AIJ astrometry URL?

Hmm. Now that we have a new (temporary I guess) URL, how to change it in AIJ? Have you guys found a way to do this? I don't see anything in options/prefs and haven't found anything on the web yet.

Just visited again and it looks like they're doing a rebuild since the default Apache Ubuntu page is there.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Change Astrometry URL


With an image open, click the tool icon for astrometry (red cross over blue cirlce).  You will get the dialog in the attached image.  It looks like you just enable the custom server and put in the URL.  I've not tried this, so let me know how it goes.


Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
Account and API key change

So it looks like there's been an account and API key change as well. My current key (via web login) is different from the one I had been successfully using.

Now with the changed URL and key, the WCS process starts but then each submission fails. Note that this is different from the login error I was previously seeing.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Success, but don't understand

Don't you hate it when something works, but you don't understand why?

I'm using AIJ ver 3.2.1.  I opened an image and tried a plate solve without having changed to  It failed as expected.  I then opened the astrometry settings dialog, enabled the custom server and entered the nova2 URL.  I did not change my key which is a year or so old.  I also enabled the log.  This failed, indicating a login error.  I disabled the custom server and, for the heck of it, tried the plate solve again.  It failed once with a timeout (no surprise), but AIJ tried it again and it succeeded.  I did verify that the coordinates were correct on this image that I had not plate solved previously.  Here is my log:

[2017-06-18T08:45:46.185] login error, exiting.
[2017-06-18T08:47:58.135]      Astrometry submission ID 1615275 timed out for SA32B-C14-20170615@033223-070S-B1-W-R.fts. Resubmitting.
[2017-06-18T08:48:29.609]      Astrometry job 2108820 for SA32B-C14-20170615@033223-070S-B1-W-R.fts: SOLVED

Now, if I reenable the custom server I can see that the nova2 URL has been cached.  Perhaps after you enter the custom server URL, AIJ tries it if the primary URL fails even with the custom server disabled?

Now this will certainly slow things down, but perhaps this same trick will work for you.

Good luck,


Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
Still failing

Thanks Cliff.

I tried your enable-disable-enable suggestion. It submits but quickly gives a series of errors like this:

[2017-06-19T08:02:13.206]      Astrometry submission 527 doesn't exist yet for slice 1 : Read timed out
[2017-06-19T08:02:15.688]      Astrometry job 530 for slice 1: failure. Resubmitting.
[2017-06-19T08:02:26.316]      Astrometry job 531 for slice 1: failure. Resubmitting.
[2017-06-19T08:02:26.317]      Astrometry job 531 for slice 1 was unsuccessful after 2 tries. Skipping Image.
[2017-06-19T08:02:35.226]      Astrometry job 532 for slice 2: failure. Resubmitting.

Now trying to go back to which seems to be up again... OAuth login is failing there now. Try again later. Need to get my old key back or create a new one (which I carelessly failed to record when switching URLs).

If all else fails I'll try to run it locally.
