ASASSN-16ma: probable nova (11.6 mag) in Sagittarius (ATel #9669)

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Association Francaise des Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Wed, 10/26/2016 - 06:17

ASAS-SN Discovery of A Likely Galactic Nova ASASSN-16ma on the Rise (Krzysztof Stanek et al., ATel #9669):

Coordinates: R.A. 18h20m52.12s, Decl. -28°22'13.52" (J2000.0)

"ASASSN-16ma was discovered in images obtained on 2016-10-25.02 at V~13.7 and proceed to brighten to V~11.6 a day later (UT 2016-10-26.02). We do not detect (V>17.3) the object in images taken on UT 2016-10-20.04 and before. No previous outbursts are detected at this location since ASAS-SN started observing the Galactic center in March 2016."

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
ASASSN-16ma: probable nova (11.6 mag) in Sagittarius (ATel #9669

Thanks Kris and Patrick for the timely notifications.

I was able to obtain the following:

000-BMC-060  Oct 26.0567  11.76B (0.07)

000-BMC-060  Oct 26.0575  11.44V (0.03)

000-BMC-060  Oct 26.0590  11.44Clear (0.12)


comparisons used were 88 (000-BJJ-246, quite close to the transient), 92 (000-BCC-012, quite distant), and 115 (000-BCB-974, quite distant).

Best regards,



Association Francaise des Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables (AFOEV)
ASASSN-16ma = PNV J18205200-2822100

Meanwhile this probable nova was found in Japan, too:
"2016 10 26.380 UT: Discovered on frames by Yukio Sakurai, Mito, Japan, using Nikon D7100 digital camera + 180-mm f/2.8 lens. Nothing is visible at this location on two frames (limit mag.= 11.0) taken on 2016 Oct. 23.398 UT."

Association Francaise des Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Spectroscopic confirmation as a classical nova (ATel #9678)

Paul Luckas (International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Univ. of Western Australia; ARAS Group):
Spectroscopic confirmation of ASASSN-16ma as a classical nova in the Fe-curtain stage

Plot of this spectrum:

Association Francaise des Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables (AFOEV)
OGLE-IV pre-discovery observations (ATel #9683)

OGLE-IV pre-discovery observations (ATel #9683)

Two classical novae located toward the Galactic bulge were recently discovered. Both objects are located in the area that is regularly monitored by the OGLE-IV Survey.
ASASSN-16ma (ATels #9669, #9678, #9680) is located in the OGLE-IV field BLG531. We measured the nova centroid on two 10-s exposures acquired on October 27: R.A. = 18:20:52.25, Decl. = -28:22:12.1 (J2000.0). The accuracy of astrometric transformations is about 0.1 arcsec. The progenitor is undetected in the OGLE deep template image, meaning I > 22 mag. Saito et al. (ATel #9680) proposed that star VVV J182052.14-282212.8 is the pre-nova. That star is located 1.6 arcsec from the nova and it cannot be the progenitor. Finding charts can be found here:

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Alert Notice 561 on nova ASASSN-16ma

AAVSO Alert Notice 561 announces and reports on the nova in Sgr, ASASSN-16ma = PNV J18205200-2822100. Please see the notice for details and observing instructions.

Many thanks, and good observing,

Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
This nova does'nt reach maximum yet

I have only a very small window to observe the two novae but it's possible from 45°N.

While TCP J18102829-2729590 is fading this second one is brillant now.

My visual estimation tonight was +6.9 / +6.8 with a nice orange-red color.  Very interesting!
