Bright SN in NGC 613

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 09/21/2016 - 19:07

ATEL is reporting a bright supernova in NGC 613 (declination -25):

It is reported to be V ~ 15 and rising fast.  This is a perfect opportunity for those of you in the southern hemisphere with spectroscopic capabilities to beat the pros to a spectral classification for this supernova.

My offer to use my own creditials to post an ATEL or CBAT for a non-pro (give you all the credit) still stands if any of you want to take advantage of that.

British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
confirming supernovae spectra

The process of supernova confirmation by spectroscopy is now automated by submitting spectra to the Transient Name Server (TNS) .

 Amateurs are also allowed to register there and submit confirming spectra. (Keep in mind though that there is no longer a gatekeeper so with great power comes responsibility!

 I have two confirmations this year to date, sn2016bme, sn2016gfr, both of which as it happens were also discovered by amateurs. I may be wrong but I suspect these may have been the first sn to be confirmed spectroscopically by an amateur.
