A second campaign on a (mostly) new set of 17 cataclysmic variables is announced in AAVSO Alert Notice 527. Please see the notice for details, targets, and instructions.
All images should be posted in this thread and all discussion on this campaign should take place here so everything is in one place.
Many thanks and good observing,
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
I am so looking forward to another very successful campaign!
Thanks a lot and clear skies,
Roque Ruiz-Carmona, PI
Hello Rogue
I tried the 17 CV2 fields last night as a dry run. I was able to get 3-4, then the clouds rolled in the in South and the East. I plan to try again tonight. I will be on the 24 inch at Maria Mitchell.
Earlier in the day we had a forecast of clear for both nights. We have high, thin cirrus which would be hardly noticeable if not for the moon. 66% humidity, wind light and variable. I am still managing 700-1000 SNR.
Willie Strickland
Meyer Observatory, Coryell County, TX
Sky was variable with high, thin cirrus most of the night. Seeing was 2.4-2.7 arc seconds except for a period around midnight when it was closer to 3 arcsecs. Princeton Instruments 1300b camera, Custom Scientific UBVRI filter set. 24" custom built, RC telescope.
Here is one set of unfiltered images taken last night at Hankasalmi observatory, Finland. I took five sets and will stack them later today.
Equipment: 0.40m RCOS 16RC, Paramount ME, SBIG STL-1001E, no filter, 60s exposure
Conditions: moonlight, some scattered clouds
best regards,
Here are my final median combined images. Because of clouds there was three to five images that were used per each field.
I hope these are usefull.
Here are 5 images from
Here are 5 images from last night.
Each time :
- 3x50s exposures, median addition
- Corrected Dall Kirkham 17" F/6.8
- Camera FLI PL16803
- Clear filter
- Date is in the file name
- Observatory code : G40
Hello Rogue and all;
I had lots of humidity here. These are pretty poor images, but for the sake of a limited two day campaign, I will post them. There might be one or two that have some use. I got 13 of the 17. Just ran out of sky. I was on the island of Nantucket last night, on the RC24. I got better data the night before with my 12 inch. I did not get flats and the camera has been off the scope, so I used old flats. I will try again tonight.
Dear all,
Thank you so much for your work and your effort!! I am checking the images now, I'll let you know what I find.
Best regards from La Palma, and clear skies for tonight.
Hi all,
Using all images, I can confirm the quiescence of all targets.
I estimate that PTFS1119h is 0.55 mag above its quiescent level, which is within expectations.
Let's see if one of the targets goes off tonight or tomorrow :)
Thank you all, and clear skies!
Here are my images of last night. The sky was clear but conditions were humid and the observatory was closed by high humidity alert after two sequences of images were taken. I enclose here the second set of images. The other set is available by request. These are 60s unfiltered exposures.
PTFS1201n field was infested with the Moon and the images were overexposed.
Here's what I got tonight. Hope it helps.
Sky has remained clear, humidity is 82%, wind calm. Transparency looks to be about 7 of 10 and seeing measured 2.2-2.5 arc seconds.
I only imaged 13, so far.
Willie Strickland
Meyer Observatory
Last image for me tonight. I hope you can use them.
Here are 5 more images
Here are 5 more images from last night.
Each time :
- 3x50s exposures, median addition
- Corrected Dall Kirkham 17" F/6.8
- Camera FLI PL16803
- Clear filter
- Date is in the file name
- Observatory code : G40
Hello All
I was able to get somewhat better images at the beginning of the night, but later in the night the marine layer moved in. 15 images posted. I did get good flats this night. I would estimage PTFS1119h at 0.88 mags brighter in V than the ref star S1 in red box. Both 1201n and 1101aa were affected by the moon. I did not get anything for the former. All images in V.
We took images of V344Lyr and V1504Cyg at the RIT Observatory (Rochester, NY) last night. Latitude +43.0757, Longitude 77.6647 West, altitude 168 m. Meade 12-inch LX200 with SBIG ST-9E CCD camera and V-band filter. Conditions were decent, but the sky was bright due to haze. Observers were Kaitlin Schmidt (physics undergrad), Jen Connelly (faculty) and myself.
We stacked about 40 images, each 30 seconds long, to make the median-combined images attached here. The V344 Lyr image shows nothing at the location of the target, the V1504 Cyg image shows a smudge that might be my imagination. The limiting magnitude is around V=16, maybe 16.5, so I'm afraid these might not help much. The images were acquired around UT Sep 2 02:13 (V344 Lyr) and UT Sep 2 03:02 (V1504 Cyg).
I can supply many more details upon request, if you wish. Good luck!
Michael Richmond
Dear all,
Thank you for your interest in this campaign, and for all your images. They provided me with all the information I needed. Thanks a lot for your effort!
However, none of the targets was found in outburst so I did not study any of them :( This is really bad luck, as I usually find 1-2 outburst every 10 selected targets (that is what the selection aims for) . Of course, this is not in anybody's hands. I am observing other CVs reported in outburst by the ASSASN CV patrol, and one PTF CV that was not in the 17 selected.
More campaigns will follow in the future, since this is an ongoing research programme. I count on you!
Thank you so much. Clear skies!
Dear all,
I have a new observing run at William Herschel Telescope in La Palma this week, and again, I could use your help monitoring the state of some of my favourite targets. I apologize because this comes in a very short notice. Like in previous campaigns (https://www.aavso.org/aavso-alert-notice-527), I only need to know if the systems are in outburst or not, so non-detections are also useful for the faintest systems. One image per target on two separate nights will suffice, especially the night of May 24.
One image of every target should be obtained:
- between 23 May 17:00UT and 24 May 17:00 UT
- between 24 May 17:00UT and 25 May 17:00 UT
***The images must be posted to the thread no later than 25 May 18:00 UT.***
In the table below you can find the list of targets with magnitudes in quiescence (Q) and outburst (O):
PTF name RA (2000) DEC (2000) Primary name Filter Mag Q Mag O Priority
PTFS1112g 12:27:40,85 +51:39:24.9 GP CVn g'/clear 19,10 14,30 High
PTFS1112j 12:50:23,81 +66:55:25.5 OV Dra CR 19,00 15,80 High
PTFS1114ag 14:33:17,78 +10:11:23.0 SDSS J143317.78+101123.3 CV 21,00 18,60 High
PTFS1115x 15:01:37,22 +55:01:22.9 SDSS J150137.22+550123.4 CR 19,40 16,40 High
PTFS1115y 15:02:40,93 +33:34:23.7 NZ Boo V 19,60 13,70 High
PTFS1115z 15:07:22,22 +52:30:40.2 OV Boo CV 20,60 18,00 High
PTFS1115ag 15:44:53,62 +25:53:48.9 SDSS J154453.60+255348.8 CV 18,00 15,70 High
PTFS1115am 15:56:54,48 +21:07:19.0 QZ Ser V 17,49 12,70 Medium
PTFS1115an 15:56:56,92 +35:23:36.7 BT CrB CR 19,20 16,70 High
PTFS1116al 16:25:01,76 +39:09:26.5 V844 Her B 17,50 12,50 Medium
PTFS1116ae 16:25:20,30 +12:03:08.8 SDSS J162520.29+120308.7 CV 20,00 13,10 Medium
PTFS1116ca 16:30:56,40 +21:16:58.5 V592 Her V 21,4 12,30 Medium
PTFS1116s 16:42:48,52 +13:47:51.4 SDSS J164248.52+134751.4 CR 19,00 15,20 Medium
PTFS1117b 17:02:13,26 +32:29:54.0 V1239 Her V/clear 19,10 13,70 High
PTFS1117r 17:27:58,13 +38:00:22.5 MASTER OT J172758.09+380021.5 CR 18,00 14,10 Medium
PTFS1118x 18:44:39,17 +43:22:28.1 V0344 Lyr V 19,00 13,80 High
PTFS1119h 19:28:56,45 +43:05:37.3 V1504 Cyg P 17,40 13,50 High
PTFS1120q 20:48:17,87 -06:10:45.0 1SDSS J204817.85-061044.8 CR 20,00 14,90 High
PTFS1120t 20:59:14,87 -06:12:20.5 QT Aqr CV 19,30 15,20 High
PTFS1121y 21:00:14,11 +00:44:46.0 QU Aqr V 18,80 16,10 High
Attached is a pdf with all finding charts (Please note that there are two versions of the finding chart for PTFS1115z). I hope this helps.
Thank you very much to all, and sorry if you wanted to help but this came too late for you to react.
Clear skies,
Roque Ruiz-Carmona
Weather forecast for tonight is really bad from my observatory. It is an atypical spring season in southwestern Spain.
I encourage all available observers to participate in this interesting observation request.
AAVSO Alert Notice 543 announces this 2016 campaign on 20 CVs. The campaign is already underway and concludes tonight. This post is being made on the forum thread from 2015's second campaign because that is where the PI announced the 2016 targets and his request for coverage. He did this at the good recommendation of AAVSO staff who were covering for Elizabeth Waagen, who usually handles observing campaign requests and who was away. To minimize confusion, a new thread for this 2016 campaign was not created. Please note that the pdf file of finder charts in the PI's post and the one in the Alert Notice are the same list even though they have different names.
Good observing!
Suffering from cloud and fog. Some unusual articfacts present which aren't seen on earlier images when there is no fog. Images med ium combine 5x300s in V
2016-05-25, 02:22:01 UT
2016-05-25, 02:32:03 UT
2016-05-25, 02:40:32 UT
2016-05-25, 02:50:38 UT
2016-05-25, 03:00:33 UT
2016-05-25, 03:11:00 UT
2016-05-25, 03:21:18 UT
2016-05-25, 03:31:20 UT
2016-05-25, 03:42:09 UT
2016-05-25, 03:52:07 UT
2016-05-25, 04:02:25 UT
2016-05-25, 04:12:29 UT
2016-05-25, 04:22:40 UT
2016-05-25, 04:32:41 UT
2016-05-25, 04:42:28 UT
2016-05-25, 04:52:37 UT
2016-05-25, 05:02:39 UT
I managed to obtain images for 17/20 targets using the Newcastle Observatory 0.4m Meade SCT and QSI 516 CCD through a Johnson V filter.
The sky conditions were clear with an Waning Gibbous Moon (89% illumination) >30 degrees distant from any one target.
Some images had poor tracking, and/or affected by below average seeing. However, this did not impede a check for outburst.
Due to high airmass and time constraints, I was not able to observe the last three stars (in order of RA) on the list:
PTFS1120q SDSS J204817.85-061044.8
PTFS1120t QT Aqr
PTFS1121y QU Aqr
Hi Michael and Emmanuel,
Thanks a lot for your images! They are very useful.
Cheers, Roque
Just V1239 Herculis for me. The star is not in outburst on 2016-05-25 00h58 UT.
Image taken with Slooh space robotic telescope T2 at Mt Teide, Canary Islands.
17" Corrected Dall Kirkham F/6.8 + FLI PL16803
Dear all,
I have just been notified that the there are technical issues with the alignment of the optics of William Herschel Telescope, and the instrument cannot be mounted until Friday 27. That means that my observing run will start on Friday rather than tonight. Moreover, the photometric camera will not be available, and I won't be able to check the state of the systems to pick the ones in which outbursts have just started.
For this reason, it will be very timely if we could continue with the monitoring three more nights. So far, all systems observed are in quiescence. If any of them is found in outbursts in the following nights, it means that the outburst has started recently, and those systems are exactly what I aim to study. The images before the run starts will inform about systems in outburst, and I will study those systems. The images taken on the night of May 27 will provide additional information about the evolution of the outburst, or may identify new outbursts in case all targets remain in quiescence up to that point. New outbursts detected on the night of May 27 may change the targets I will study.
One image of every target should be obtained:
- between 25 May 17:00UT and 26 May 17:00 UT, posted no later than 27 May 18:00 UT
- between 26 May 17:00UT and 27 May 17:00 UT, posted no later than 27 May 18:00 UT
- between 27 May 17:00UT and 28 May 17:00 UT, posted no later than 28 May 18:00 UT
***On May 27, if you identify an outburst, please report it immediately in the forum (you can post the image later).***
I hope this is clear enough; but if you have questions, don't hesitate contacting me.
Thanks a lot for all your help! I appreciate all your efforts.
Clear skies,
AAVSO Special Notice #416 repeats the information included in the PI's post regarding the extension of the 20 CVs campaign. It also includes the link to AAVSO Alert Notice 543, which announced the campaign, has the list of targets, and gives the link to the pdf images of the finder charts to be used.
Thank you for your valuable contributions, and Good observing!
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
Hi Roque,
That's must be very disapppointing. It looks like my skies will not be up to par tonight and Thursday night, but Friday night looks better. I definitely try for some snap shots.
Elizabeth, many thanks for the Special Notice. Hopefully, it'll catch the attention of many observers.
Michael, thank you for your interest and contributions. Let's hope you get some clear skies.
Cheers to all, and good observing!
Observations made by Public obs Astrolab Iris Belgium
Using a 68 cm F4.8 Newton telescope
GP CVN : no outburst
OV DRA : no outburst
SDSS J143317.78+101123.3: no outburts
All observations are in AAVSO database.
Franky Dubois
Thanks a lot, Franky!
Clear skies,
Clear skies tonight (Thursday) with average transparency and above-average seeing. I'll try and get in as many targets as possible.
2016-05-27, 02:18:19 UT
Note: tracking error, but not severe enough to affect outburst detection.