Tue, 06/23/2015 - 16:52
I've noticed that with when trying to save the results of a VSX query to a csv file, the file downloaded is empty if there are too many results. Is this a bug or is there a limit on how many results can be saved to a csv?
There is no set limit, but it may be a memory problem on the server side. How many records do you want to download? What is the query you were using?
Hi Patrick,
Yes, the same happend to me, only that it was not empty, there were 2 results...
It was just a "changes in last week" search that had more than 5,000 results due to the revision to the ASAS positions. The message says that the result is truncated to 5,000 rows but the option to download the csv file will only give 2 lines.
PS: I moved this thread to the VSX forum where it belongs.
Weird, it works for me. I have all 7884 lines in the CSV file.
So I did get the csv download working when using fewer results by breaking up my search a bit, but the csv didn't have all the fields I needed. I ended up creating a script to get what I needed via an HTTP GET query, and that seems to work for the time being.
I also tried the csv download again this morning and there seems to be an issue with it again (all search result files have "<b>Notice</b>: Object of class DB_Error could not be converted to int in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br />" as the only thing in the file).
Could you please detail what you were looking for, so that I may be able to reproduce the error you are getting? (You can do so by private email if you wish). The csv file should have all the fields of the results page.