Welcome!/What is Citizen Sky?

Announcement: New Forums

We are excited to announce the launch of our new forums! You can access it forums.aavso.org. For questions, please see our blog post. The forums at aavso.org/forum have become read-only.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 11/01/2012 - 17:15

Welcome to the Citizen Sky forum!

Citizen Sky had it's start in 2009 as a 3-year, NSF funded citizen science project focusing on the eclipse of epsilon Aurigae. A description of the project can be found here.  The first three years of the project culminated in a special edition of the Journal of the AAVSO (JAAVSO) focused on epsilon Aurigae with papers written by project participants.

Now that the epsilon Aurigae eclipse is over and the issue of the JAAVSO is being published, Citizen Sky has a new mission -- more than one in fact!  Citizen Sky will be the new home of bright variable star activities at the AAVSO.  We have already developed a binocular observing program and will be developing a DSLR observing manual in early 2013.

We are excited to begin this new chapter in the life of Citizen Sky.  Ideas are brewing about additional programs/projects to bring to Citizen Sky, so stay tuned to see what's in store!