WEBOBS Down (Oct 7th)?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Sun, 10/07/2012 - 13:53

In the process of entering last night's observations into WEBOBS individually I found that the submission page was locking up for me every so many entries. After completing about 25 entries then it locked up and stayed that way, no matter how many times I re-enter the site. This was at 9:40AM ESTSunday morning the 7th.

Anyone else encountering similar problems this morning?

J.Bortle   (BRJ)

British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Re: WebObs down


Yes.  I've just tried (14.00hrs UT Oct 7)  to upload 10 CCD observations.  The page stuck on processing for about 10 minutes.  I stopped the page and checked the QL files.  The observations had made it in - but each one appears twice!  I have 100+ visual ones to upload now, but I think I'll hold back for a while.  

Gary (PYG)

PS. Well it let me in to delete the double entries anyhow!

British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
Re: WebObs down

Well I succesfully uploaded 165 visual observations on Oct 7 at 14.20 UT, so it may have just been a glitch.  Have another go!

Gary (PYG)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Indeed, WEBOBS was working again, but painfully slowly for me, around 15:00UT. Managed to upload the remainder of last evenings data, but the delay between each entry and the screen refresh to take the next obs was about 25-30 seconds each time.

J.Bortle   (BRJ)



British Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (BAA-VSS)
web obs problems persist

Some problems still exist.  This morning (Oct 10) I've tried to upload 6 CCD observations with a file upload.  Upon clicking upload, the 'processing' stage appears to hang.  After waiting 25 minutes I closed the page, logged out and back in and checked to see if the data had made it to the DB.  It hadn't.  I then tried to upload them again, waited another 25 minutes then stopped the page loading out of sheer frustration.  I then re-checked the DB to find the 6 observations had been entered twice!  I didn't have a problem deleting the duplicates.

This seems to be a recurring problem when I attempt to do a file upload before 12h GMT - or when you guys are still asleep or just waking up.  If I try to upload data in the afternoon or evening here (England) then the process is 'usually' quicker.  On occasions I have just given up trying altogether with moans and curses, and have sometimes forgotton (or have not been able)  to try again later in the day, so the observations may never make it to the DB.

Individual data entry is also ponderously slow at times before mid-day GMT, so much so that I always try for a file upload, even if it's just one single observation!

Gary (PYG)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Please help us resolve the WebObs issues you are experiencing
If you are experiencing issues with WebObs please track the following and include them in reports to me at mikesimonsen at aavso.org. I will forward these to the technical staff and we will try to get to the root of the trouble and fix it once and for all.
You can even copy and paste this format into the body of your message or attach as a text file.
HINT: If you click on the link above this form is already included in the body of the email!
Operating system: (Windows XX, Mac, Linux, etc.)
Browser: (IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
Describe the issue you are having:
How long did it last?
Were you able to do anything to make it stop? (restarting your computer, trying another browser, sacrifice to the gods, etc.)
Thank you for your patience and help,
Mike Simonsen