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ADS 6033 A (B 9.2m, 0.5", 168deg; C 11.5m, 2.7", 291deg, D 11m, 2.9", 347deg, ...). H2O, OH, SiO maser. B - V: +2.3. In the region of the young open cluster NGC 2362. Embedded in a reflecting nebula. The companions may be details of the nebula; some of them are probably variable [W.H.van den Boss, BAN 3, 263, 1927., G.Wallerstein, PASP 70, 479, 1958.]. Surrounded by an envelope of gas and dust or a disk of 0.45" (lambda = 5 mkm) angular size. Secular decrease of brightness since 1801. Cyclic variations of brightness with Delta(m) from several tenths of a magnitude to 3m on time scale from 200d to 1900d. TiO and ScO emission bands in the spectrum. Spectroscopic studies [G.Wallerstein, PASP 70, 479, 1958., M.W.Feast, Obs 90, 24, 1970., G.H.Herbig, Lick Contr N302, 1970.].
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