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Name |
MASTER OT J234843.23+250250.4 |
Constellation |
J2000.0 |
B1950.0 |
23 46 11.11 +24 46 09.3 |
Galactic coord. |
105.389 -35.679 |
Other names

(Internal only)
APOP 49548+0003449 |
CSS_J234843.1+250250 |
GALEX J234843.1+250251 |
GSC2.3 N0B0003449 |
Gaia22dev |
MLS 161227:234843+250250 |
PSO J234843.145+250249.990 |
SDSS J234843.14+250249.9 |
URAT1 576-609259 |
USNO-B1.0 1150-0578157 |
WD J234843.14+250250.09 |
WISE J234843.00+250250.3 |
WISEA J234843.11+250249.5 |
ZTF18adibadz |
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Variability type |
Spectral type |
-- |
Mag. range |
14.4 CR - 20.4 r |
Discoverer |
Sergej E'duardovich Shurpakov, Denis Vladimirovich Denisenko, Evgenij Sergeevich Gorbovskoj, et al. (MASTER-Amur) |
Epoch |
Outburst |
-- |
Period |
0.032 d (46 min) |
Rise/eclipse dur. |
-- |

Some references may be clicked to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
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Click reference title/citation to view in new window. Roll over index number to view submission details.
1 |
Masci, F. J.; et al., 2019, The Zwicky Transient Facility: Data Processing, Products, and Archive |
2019PASP..131a8003M |
2 |
K. Isogai; M. Kawabata; K. Maeda, 2019, ATel #13277 |
2019ATel13277....1I |
3 |
Kato, T.; et al., 2014, Survey of period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae. VI. The sixth year (2013–2014) |
2014PASJ...66...90K |
4 |
S. Shurpakov, D. Denisenko, E. Gorbovskoy et al., 2013, ATel #5526 |
2013ATel.5526....1S |
5 |
T. Kato, 2013, vsnet-alert 16608 |
-- |
6 |
G. Masi, 2013, vsnet-alert 16578 |
-- |
7 |
Drake, A. J.; et al., 2009, Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (MLS data) |
2009ApJ...696..870D |
8 |
Ritter, H.; Kolb, U., Catalogue of cataclysmic binaries, low-mass X-ray binaries and related objects (7th Edition, Release 7.21, March 2014) |
2003A&A...404..301R |
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Catalog Data

Information from selected catalogs obtained by cross-matching to 2 arc seconds using the CDS X-Match Service. These data may not be complete.
W1 = 17.59 | W2 = 17.22 | W1 - W2 = 0.38 |
u = 20.19 | g = 20.24 | r = 20.34 | i = 20.32 | z = 20.03 | u - g = -0.05 | r - i = 0.02 |

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