Seeing the VStar course email ("fall courses") and really wanting to take it, I immediately signed in and followed the links to the store to sign up. Woops, no joy; only VPhot was available. So now instead of jumping right in and assuring myself of a place in the class I constantly have to check back and trust to luck that its not already filled.
I suggest that if AAVSO advertizes a course via an email alert (much appreciated) and has a link to the store, I would expect that I can sign up for the course on the day it is advertized and not have to guess when registration will be open.
The forum post you are referring to specifically says the VPHOT course is open for registration, not VSTAR. It also states the rest of the fall schedule will be announced soon. I expect that to happen early next week. I am still finalizing some of the details before making those announcments "official."
Mike Simonsen
Thanks, Mike: I assume an email will alert us to this. I am lookinfg forward to learning about VStar and how to analyze light curves. Also -- next time I will try to read the email in more detail. :)