VPHOT images not loading

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 06/11/2015 - 15:30

It appears that the image loading got stuck yesterday morning with only two images left to be processed from a batch.  The system got stuck on:

6/10/2015 9:04:10 AM
786240 kB

Now there are many hundreds of images sitting in the queue as well.  I guess something needs to be reset.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VPhot queue

Hi Michael:

Yes, someone had noticed this earlier. We are in the process of getting it going again. Don't want to hold up your students too long!

IF the owner of that image could take a look at the fits header, etc and see what may be unusual, it would be appreciated.

Ken (MZK)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Per Doc, VPhot is up and processing images. Will take a little while to get through the 400 images in the queue.

Ken (MZK)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Stuck Again?

I think it got through the images that were loaded yesterday but I think it is stuck again in the middle of a group that one of my students was uploading on AN Lyn.  This one wouldn't have been any different than any of the hundred or so images in that sequence.  I don't know why it just seems to hang at times.


The ANLYNX images were not

The ANLYNX images were not solving and were locking it up.  In line after those were a great many labeled KOI1152HADS-195V which were also trouble due to some error relating to a bad username.


There are some EH LIB images in there now that are doing fine.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fellow VPhot Users

Hi All:

I'm sure you have noticed the "wrinkles" in the past 48 hours. (Yes, I'll admit, more than wrinkles   frown)

FYI, a VPhot Discussion was held at the Spring Meeting to help minimize/resolve these recurring issues. An action plan was formulated, at least the beginning of one. A volunteer working group has been set up.

So now, we need to get something accomplished. As with any volunteer group, no specific time frame can be set but we do hope to achieve some improvements sooner rather than later. Things like code review, hardware improvement and functional enhancement are on the table.

We hope that this will improve everyone's experience with VPhot.


PS: We know that a couple of unexpected things, like "blank" images and lack of a user code caused some of the recent stoppages but acknowledge that such trivial things should not cause such a result. We didn't think it would, so it may not be the whole story!

Astronomical Society of South Australia (ASSAU)
Code review etc

Hi Ken, all

I've participated in the odd code review or two (or ten) in the past and have written a substantial amount of C++ code, so if I can help, please feel free to ask and I'll tell you whether I am able to devote any time to it.

Let me also say that from my own professional experience, I know that a long-running enterprise application like VPhot is a complex beast and I completely understand how hard it can be to get something like it to the point where there are no important bugs, even when a team of developers and testers devotes substantial time to it. I take my hat off to Geir and others who have worked on VPhot.
