I tried to start working with VPhot.
My first upload failed (using the wizzard) with the following error message:
"Invalid or missing date in DATE-OBS header field. Can not continue."
The display of the FITS header information in the wizzard shows for that field "26" and in the comment right next to it 08/2021
Whan I use another program the filed clearly says: 26/08/2021.
Any ideas?
Looks like VPhot is looking for mm/dd/yyyy, not dd/mm/yyyy
This is the…
This is the current fits format by the approving agency:
DATE-OBS 2021-08-28T07:46:46.090 [ISO 8601] UTC date/time of exposure start
Your software must be using the old format or something else?
Copy and paste the format your software is using in your reply.
I changed month and day and it looks like VPhot accepted but I get another eror now on the file name:
[ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: fileName]
Which program can I use to convert DSLR CR2 files into the correct FITS format. I currently use IRIS to extract the green and blue part and save as fits, but looks like this is an older format?
I made it using Fitswork to create my green file from the CR2.
Thanks anyhow for recommendations!