I have been trying to upload images of R AND.
Used both the upload wizard and the quick upload. Both uploads tell me everything worked, but the images never show up in VPHOT. On the view processed images in VPHOT, they also do not show up.
No error message. Files never show up in VPHOT.
Anybody have any ideas??
I have been having problems with a couple of variables in that imaging run. For example, RV AND would not plate solve, then this morning everything worked for it!!!
Hi Vladimir,
I see that there are 2 images of R And uploaded to your VPhot account.
Is there still an issue with missing uploads?
If the problem persists, please send the details of the problem to VPhot@gasilvis.net
Yes, the problem is still there.
Those 2 images of R AND are from last fall. The observing run that disappeared is dated December 22nd. There are five images that I tried to upload. I did try uploading a single image and that also failed. I am puzzled by why no error message.
Please send one of the mystery image files to me.
I examined the file you sent. The FITS header is missing the TELESCOP= and USERNAME= fields.
VPhot can cope with this by creating these keys since the upload page specifies the TELESCOP and it knows your obscode. For some reason it can not do it with the file you sent. Maybe because it was created by CCDSoft which is a very old software?? Maybe.
For now, make sure these keys are included in the FITS header.
I have a similar or same issue. I upload a batch of files, this time 139 files of SS Cyg. Processing in uploader seems fine, but in the end, only 7 files are in my image list.
I do have a TELESCOP key word in the fits header, but no USERNAME field. Images are produced by Ekos and calibrated by AstroImageJ. Any idea of why this happens? (this has happened on and off since the new uploader came into place, but not before).
EDIT: and then, trying them all again 20 minutes later, it works. They all turn up. Something seems a little unstable here, though.