I'm trying to submit my first specturm in the AV Spec, so a spectrum of a non-variable star like mentioned.
But it was unsuccessful because it cannot find an obscode!
In the fitsheader there is indead no obscode. How can i solve that? I tried already to add in the fitsheader a obscode = F65 , but that didn't helped.
Thanks for helping
What software have you used to create the spectrum?
You should be able to automatically have the obs code inserted.
When it asks for an obscode, it wants the observer code that you were assigned by the AAVSO so that we can identify you as a registered submitter. Your obscode, which you can see if you view your profile is CWIB. If you have any more issues, please feel free to contact me directly:
Bert Pablo
Staff Astronomer, AAVSO
I wonder why keyword OBSERVER is not used when it is in FITS (de-facto?) standard.
Wim, I use this free program to edit my spectra header.
Click on a line such as AAV Site, go to edit on top and click add key.
then on bottom of screen and in same format as other lines OBSERVER
Hope this helps,