TCrB Charts and Photometry Tables

Charts and Photometry Tables for T CrB
Finding charts with comparison stars and related multicolor photometry tables for different scales of T CrB have been created for your convenience. The comparison star magnitudes reflect the revision of 02 July 2024.

Scale of chart (.jpg) Scale of chart (.pdf) FOV deg FOV arcmin Limiting V mag Photometry table
    A (binocular) North up       A (binocular) North up 15.0 900 9.0       table
    A (binocular) South up       A (binocular) South up 15.0 900 9.0       table
    B (North up)       B (North up) 3.0 180 11.0       table
    B (South up)       B (South up) 3.0 180 11.0       table
    D (North up)       D (North up) 1.0 60 14.5       table
    D (South up)       D (South up) 1.0 60 14.5       table

Customized charts may be created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP). Photometry bands to include in the photometry table are shown at the bottom of the VSP form; check the boxes of the bands you want to include (Sloan photometry as well as Johnson/Cousins available).