TCP J18292290-1430460: likely nova (10.3 mag) in Scutum

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Sat, 06/30/2018 - 10:59

TCP J18292290-1430460 (N:)

Discovery details:
R.A. 18h29m22.90s, Decl. -14°30'46.0" (J2000.0)
2018 June 29.5768 UT, 10.3 mag (unfiltered)
Discoverer: Yukio Sakurai (Mito, Japan)

2018 06 29.577 UT
Discovered by Y. Sakurai, Mito, Japan, on two frames using Nikon D7100 digital camera + 180-mm f/2.8 lens, who writes there is a variable star TSVSC1-TN-S300112300-126-67-2 at 21s.88 and 51".1. Nothing is visible at this location on a frame (limit mag.= 12.1) taken on 2018 June 23.632 UT.

2018 06 30.2646 UT
Photometry results were V=10.43 and Ic=9.35 with 0.61-m f/6.5 CDK astrograph + FLI PL09000 CCD, iTelescope.NET at Auberry, CA, USA. Position end figures were 22.93 and 43.9 in R.A.and Dec.
Seiichiro Kiyota (Japan)

2018 06 30.528 UT
Mag. V= 10.57, R= 9.69, I= 8.84, position end figures 22s.96, 44".0 observed by K. Yoshimoto, Yamaguchi-ken, Japan, using 0.50-m f/6.8 reflector + CCD + focal reducer, Siding Spring, remotely. An image at

2018 06 30.5960 UT
Another photometry results were B=12.16, V=10.98, Rc=10.37 and Ic=9.83 with 0.43-m f/6.8 CDK astrograph + FLI PL4710 CCD at iTelescope.NET, SSO, NSW, Australia, I took low resolution spectra but I can detected no significant feature (at leat, it is not late type star like Mira variables).
Seichiro Kiyota (Japan)

2018 06 30.67 UT
A progenitor candidate is the Pan-STARRS1 source PSO J182922.940-143044.155 (position end figures 22.935s, 44.19"; i= 20.26 mag). Likely nova eruption with amplitude of more than 11 magnitudes (V band). --- Patrick Schmeer (Saarbrücken-Bischmisheim, Germany)

The likely nova is located 4 arc minutes NE of gamma Scuti.

*** Spectroscopy and multiband photometry are urgently required. ***

Clear skies,