Identifications of Centennial Calendar Images: June 2011
Images in A Century of Variable Star Observing: 1911-2010
June 2011: AAVSO members, observers, and friends
Images in A Century of Variable Star Observing: 1911-2010
June 2011: AAVSO members, observers, and friends
Images in A Century of Variable Star Observing: 1911-2010
March 2011: AAVSO observers and their observing equipment and observatories
Images in A Century of Variable Star Observing: 1911-2010
February 2011: AAVSO members and observers
Images in A Century of Variable Star Observing: 1911-2010
May 2011: AAVSO members and observers (women)
Images in A Century of Variable Star Observing: 1911-2010
April 2011: AAVSO Headquarters locations
Clockwise from top left:
Images in A Century of Variable Star Observing: 1911-2010
January 2011: AAVSO leaders
Clockwise from top center:
A Century of Variable Star Observing: 1911-2010
The pages below contain the identification of the individuals, places, and items in the AAVSO Centennial Calendar for 2011:
AAVSO Publications by Dorrit Hoffleit
Long-time AAVSO member Dr. Dorrit Hoffleit was honored at Yale University last April at a symposium celebrating her Centennial Year, 2006-2007. The Symposium was organized by the faculty and staff of the Yale Astronomy Department, with many other of Dorrit's colleagues and students participating in the organizing committee.